As in recent years a demo took place at the prison building in Münster on New Year's eve. From around half past 11 over 40 people demonstrated against one of the most brutal form of repression, imprisonment, by making use of banners, music and fireworks. During the demo many bangers and skyrockets were thrown or fired over the prison wall to express solidarity with the inmates who reacted with loud shouting and jeering.
We do not want a society that deals with problems by punishing and locking up people. A large share of criminalized actions is with all likeliness caused by the capitalist conditions that makes people to commit "crimes". Hardly anyone would steal food or rob a bank if they were "better" off economically. Prison does not serve to "reintegrate people back into society" (as if persons turned into criminals were no longer part of society in the first place). The only prupose opf prison is to uphold the social order, punish people and break them. It is clear that this as any other kind of state repression is to be fully rejected.
After the demo the paint bombs were thrown at the building and the parole "fight the state" was painted on the prison wall. We also blocked the road in fron of the prison with materials from construction sites.
For a liberated society free of prison, repression and capitalism.
Let us be the cracks in the wall.