[B] Statement to XB-Liebig from Giraffenküfa

Poster of the mentioned concert

Statement of the Giraffenkufa to XB Collective (Deutsch)


Hi, We're the Giraffenkufa- a group of 4 people (all of us are white). In the past we had a regular Kufa event in XB, but unfortunately we haven't been active for some time. We would like to start again soon but, due to reasons we will explain in this statement, no longer in XB.


We understand this statement would have greater impact coming from an active group, but it was still important for us to make this statement (Underneath in German),


Recently XB-Liebig has made some actions that we fundamentally disagree with. As you may know, XB is an event and bar space on the ground level of an anarchafeminist housing collective (L34). XB also claims to be an anarchist space and has large signs promising "no sexism, no discrimination".


The reasons follow:


1) Forcing a person who is a refugee to plenum under the threat of exclusion from the collective, and to take away their main source of income, then excluding this person from the collective for unfounded reasons including disobedience (that they didn't come to the plenum).


2) As a completely white collective, Censoring and silencing critiques of racism towards XB.


3) Violence and threats of violence from members of XB collective towards excluded members, whilst claiming to be against violence.


4) No evidence of even basic feminist and anti-racist ideas (claiming of "sexist attacks" against a cis man, claiming of racism against white people) as well as toleration of discriminatory persons and whatever kind of bullshit under the claim of not tolerating discrimination against "Political Ideas"


5) Endangering house members and bar visitors through the organisation of a concert featuring sexist and transmisogynist bands, and toleration of a sexist "Macho" poster as advertisement. With that, offering macho-sexists an open space as an audience. The concert was eventually cancelled through the intervention of L34 and XB members. The flyer is attached.


6) Claiming to be anarchist, a safe space, anti-racist, anti-sexist and against every form of discrimination but not at all holding up to their own claims, therefore advertising a false sense of safety from racism, sexism, transphobia and other forms of discrimination and violence in XB.


That's why we don't want to do our Kufa in XB anymore, unless we see a significant change and reflection process that is considered enough in our eyes. Please think carefully about supporting and going in such a space.


Yours, Giraffenkufa


Here is the statement of XB collective (In English), including several false claims and basically the complete opposite of what really happened.

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