Berlin: Raw news following crackdown on refugees in Friedrichshain

Menschen auf dem Dach des Gürtelstraßen-Hostels

The following are raw updates about the crackdown on refugees in Friedrichshain from today. A summary and updates from yesterday you may find here.


August 27th, after 16:00 (local time):

- refugees are still occupying the roof of the former hostel Georgenhof in Gürtelstraße (the hotel Georgenhof, where anti-riots cops were stationed yesterday, is another building right next to the hostel)
- the cops deny them food, water and any contact with their lawyers; they also deny medication (there is one refugee who is in urgent need of medication)
- the refugees also point out that there are no negotiations; this misinformation has been spread by the police; they insist on speaking with the senator for integration Kolat from SPD (Social Democratic Party of Germany), who was responsible for the agreements; they state they will not leave without negotiations
- they demand the right to stay for all refugees including themselves, and don’t want to be criminalized anymore
- at the junction of Scharnweberstraße and Gürtelstraße, in Friedrichshain, there are an estimated 15 to 20 people, among them refugees and solidarians; they still have a PA there, informing people through speeches and also offering them to give own statements; the cops opened this junction for the traffic, which makes it difficult to follow the speeches
- there is a call for physical support at the junction; apart from this, food, drinks, chalks, music and blankets are also needed
- there are now less police vans inside the barriers, and the cops who check people at the barriers are less compared to yesterday (26/8)
- at least 4 refugees were reportedly detained at Oranienplatz today, between 14 and 14:30, for no apparent reason


more updates as they come…


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Ob in Kreuzberg oder Friedrichshain, Geflüchtete sind nicht allein !

Refugees Welcome !

Demo: Sonntag, 31.08. 17 Uhr S + U Warschauerstr.