Updated English Ticker at http://castor.de/ticker/index_en.html
TUE 10:31 am Laase
A pity that every CASTOR event has to end with unrestrained orgies of police violence.
TUE 10:30 am Laase
As in previous years, police near Laase are again senselessly bashing people.
TUE 10:28 am Laase, Wendland BREAKING NEWS!
Police used pepper spray on climbers in a tree, who crashed down and are gravely injured.
TUE 10:26 am Laase
Near Laase police used pepper spray on people even though the CASTORS had already passed, there are injured people.
TUE 10:13 am castorticker
In the coming days we’ll archivally process the ticker news of the past few days. For now, off to some needed sleep.
TUE 10:15 We thank you for this grandiose protest and of course are still happy to receive donations. Until the next CASTORS! — The Ticker.
TUE 10:10 am castorticker
We’re ending the reporting after putting through 127 GB and about 80 million page downloads.
TUE 10:10 am Wendland
The new travel record is 3 days, 19 hours, 24 minutes. The next mark to crack is 100 hours.
TUE 10:01 am Internet
"Kernenergie — So sicher wie diese Webseite" (“nuclear energy – as safe as this website“) can be read at www.kernenergie.de.
TUE 10:00 am Trebel
In an hour the news conference of the Bürgerinitiative Umweltschutz Lüchow-Dannenberg will start in Trebel.
TUE 09:48 am Gorleben BREAKING NEWS!
The CASTORS reach the interim storage hall south of Gorleben.
TUE 09:55 am Internet BREAKING NEWS!
The propaganda page of the nuclear mafia, http://www.kernenergie.de, appears to have been hacked and defaced.
TUE 09:50 am Gorleben
The CASTORS reach the village of Gorleben.
TUE 09:43 am Splietau
The camp in Splietau seeks trailers to dump the anti-nuclear trash.
TUE 09:35 am Laase
The CASTORS have passed though Laase.
TUE 09:32 am Laase
In Laase there is the traditional amassing of police.
TUE 09:27 am Grippel
The CASTORS are in Grippel.
TUE 09:25 am Northern route
The Greenpeace paraglider has taken a geostationary orbit above the CASTOR convoy.
TUE 9:20 am Langendorf
The CASTORS are through Langendorf.
TUE 9:18 am Laase
Between Laase and Gorleben about 50 people are surrounded by police off the road.
TUE 9:15 am Laase
In Laase there are 500 people near the transport route.
TUE 9:03 am Quickborn
The CASTORS are moving slowly, the last one has passed the church in Quickborn.
TUE 9:00 am Quickborn BREAKING NEWS!
The CASTOR convoy is in Quickborn.
TUE 8:55 am Grippel
According to the radio: A UFO was sighted in Grippel, a kind of paraglider with a "Stop Castor" banner. The police helicopter pursues it.
TUE 8:50 am Laase
The way from Siemen to Laase is still open, in case anyone wants to get to the cultural events in the Palace of Muses (Musenpalast).
TUE 8:43 am Dannenberg
The last CASTOR has left the cross-loading compound.
TUE 8:42 am Laase
Police burn straw bales near Laase, not known why.
TUE 8:40 am Dannenberg
The first CASTOR truck has departed from the cross-loading compound.
TUE 8:37 am Dannenberg BREAKING NEWS!
Contrary to speculation, the CASTOR trucks are using the northern route.
TUE 8:37 am Dannenberg BREAKING NEWS!
The trucks with the CASTOR caskets are starting to move. Substitute trucks and police are turning into the noprthern route.
TUE 8:30 am Dannenberg BREAKING NEWS!
The gate to the loading crane is open.
TUE 8:17 am Southern route
Police are preparing on the southern route for the CASTOR transport.
TUE 8:07 am Dannenberg
The Greenpeace truck was pulled off the road and no longer blocks the northern route.
TUE 8:02 am Dannenberg
The Greenpeace truck pushed aside blocks the northern route, which suggests that the CASTORS will roll on the southern route.
TUE 7:55 am Dannenberg BREAKING NEWS!
The Greenpeace truck is off the crossing, the road is open again.
TUE 7:55 am Dannenberg
The drivers of the CASTOR trucks are back in the loading crane compound, police on the route put their vehicles aside.
TUE 7:50 am Gorleben
The second Robin Wood climbing activist is also back on the ground, police are taking down his gear.
TUE 7:47 am Gorleben
Greenpeace climbers hanging with banner off the transport route and are not removed.
TUE 7:20 am Gorleben
Postscript: In the climber blockade the police first tried in breakneck manner to reach the climbers from the roof of a truck.
TUE 7:37 am Gorleben
Police have caught the first Robin Wood climber.
TUE 7:30 am Gorleben
Police use a lifting cart to catch the female Robin Wood climbers.
TUE 7:26 am Gorleben
The Gorleben blockade has been completely dispersed. The female Robin Wood climbers are still hanging.
TUE 7:26 am Dannenberg
Police are moving the Greenpeace beer truck from the crossing with a Unimog (four wheel drive medium truck).
TUE 7:22 am Gorleben
The special police unit “Technical Measures High and Low” starts to remove the Robin Wood climbers.
TUE 7:20 am Dannenberg
Police try to lift the Greenpeace truck, the press are sent away.
TUE 7:18 am Gorleben
A police climber unit has arrived at the aerial Robin Wood blockade and prepares to remove the protest climbers.
TUE 7:15 am Gorleben
Police have moved people out of the Gorleben blockade and are 100 metres from those remaining.
TUE 7:06 am Wendland
Sunrise, 2°C warm and windless.
TUE 7:04 am Dannenberg
Police have brought up a removal vehicle to shift the truck.
TUE 6:57 am Gorleben
Police increase the speed of their dispersal of people from the Gorleben blockade, using unnecessarily painful grips.
TUE 6:56 am Dannenberg
The Greenpeace beer Trojan puts up determined resistance even without concreted-in female activists and is still standing on its spot.
TUE 6:54 am Quickborn
For meanwhile four hours Quickborn has been under a curfew.
TUE 6:51 am Gorleben
Police move in from all sides to remove people from the Gorleben blockade, a lot rougher than up to now.
TUE 6:45 am Gorleben
Police getting rougher when removing people from the Gorleben road squat.
TUE 6:41 am Gorleben
Police have started removing people from the other end of the squat as well.
TUE 6:28 am Wendland
In contrast to yesterday, police are behaving civilised today.
TUE 6:25 am Dannenberg
The last not chained-on Greenpeace person is out of the truck, police now have to find out how to move the truck away.
TUE 6:13 am Dannenberg
Second Greenpeace activist taken out of the concrete.
TUE 6:00 am Dannenberg
The first chained-on Greenpeace activist separated from the concrete.
TUE 5:42 am Airwaves
The long duration of the consignment has caused Radio Freies Wendland to use up all of its allotted airtime on Radio Zusa. But they continue to broadcast on the Internet.
TUE 5:39 am Dannenberg
Police disperse the party at the rear exit of the loading crane.
TUE 5:27 am Gorleben
Police have removed only a quarter of the people in the squat blockade outside the CASTOR hall.
TUE 5:14 am Gorleben
The Gorleben dispersal is happening in slow motion, but those carried away are no longer coming back into the blockade.
TUE 5:10 am Dannenberg
Police still puzzled by the Greenpeace truck and have thrown out two people who were not chained on.
TUE 4:56 am Gorleben
Police are now guarding the climbing tress of Robin Wood, but the climbers are still hanging cozily in mid-air.
TUE 4:50 am Dannenberg
Police try using a jack to move the Greenpeace truck to open enough room for the CASTORS to pass.
TUE 4:48 am Quickborn
Atomkraft Wegbassen is quite again, but those in search of culture continue to be welcome in the Musenpalast in Laase.
MON 9:18 pm Trebel
A construction machine and three tractors are completely blocking passage of Trebel.
MON 9:13 pm Everywhere BREAKING NEWS
This e CASTOR consignment is taking longer than all previous ones.
MON 9:07 pm Gorleben
Police are not letting people through to a vigil at Gorleben.
MON 9:00 pm Dannenberg
The tenth CASTOR casket has been cross-loaded.
MON 8:45 pm Grippel
Grippel inhabitants are not allowed to leave their houses. Lawyers in attendance. Grippel still reachable through the fields.
MON 8:51 pm Dannenberg
Four people hanging in trees at a Greenpeace truck.
MON 8:03 pm Wendland
Police admit to using remote-controlled surveillance drones with cameras.
MON 8:00 pm Dannenberg
The ninth CASTOR casket has been cross-loaded.
MON 7:51 pm Dannenberg
The press now is allowed to report on the Greenpeace blockade. The mood of the activists is good. They would appreciate some music.
MON 7:48 pm Dannenberg
In front of the loading crane police try to shield from public and press the TRUCK to which activists are chained.
MON 7:45 pm Dannenberg
350 squad van and removal trucks coming from the Oldendorf direction to Dannenberg.
MON 7:36 pm Lüneburg
Approximately 200 people in Lüneburg declare their solidarity with the protesters at Wendland blockades.
MON 7:23 pm Quickborn
The music action (blowing away with bass sound) is allowed until the end of the consignment. Food supplies are adequate.
MON 7:21 pm Dannenberg
The Greenpeace truck in front of the loading crane needs many tractors and people to help.
MON 7:10 pm Laase
Location of the music trailer. 400 people in a good mood.
MON 6:58 pm all Germany
Call for people throughout Germany to come out of their houses and make a lot of noise at 7:03 pm daily until the government hears them. Against the nuclear policy. So get out and be noisy.
MON 6:44 pm Siemen
At the Siemen info point you can get information about how to drive to Laase.
MON 6:30 pm Dannenberg, loading crane
The eighth CASTOR casket has been cross-loaded.
MON 6:39 pm Rondel
The road from Rondel to Trebel and to Gorleben still can be used
MON 6:11 pm Langendorf
Greenpeace climbers are sitting on trees in the middle of Langendorf with a banner: "Stopp CASTOR!"
MON 6:26 pm Dannenberg, loading crane
A truck is blocking the street near the crossing of the loading crane.
MON 6:27 pm Gorleben
2,400 protesters are squatting outside the CASTOR intermediate storage hall in Gorleben.
MON 6:21 pm Dannenberg, loading crane
The seventh CASTOR casket has been cross-loaded.
MON 6:16 Grippel
The house and stables of a farm in Grippel were searched totally without a search warrant and without any reference to imminent danger. Lawyers were present.
MON 5:54 pm Zadrau
The farm of a family in Zadrau was searched totally without a search warrant and without any reference to imminent danger.
MON 5:50 pm loading crane
The sixth CASTOR casket has been cross-loaded.
MON 5:37 pm Breese Marsch
Tractors are blockading near the info point in Breese in der Marsch. People sitting at the fire with food and drinks, wishing for visitors!
MON 5:26 pm Breese in der Marsch
The whole food supply convoy of the police, water cannons and anything else had to turn back because of the tractor blockade.
MON 5:18 pm Breese in der Marsch
Tractor blocked in Breese in der Marsch. Two people chained to it. Police can't drive through with the water cannons which is making them cranky.
MON 5:03 pm Gusborn
In Gusborn there are 150 people and 4 tractors. A registered vigil. A stage is built on which play "Krach and Gerümpel" (crash and junk) from Hamburg.
MON 4:55 CASTOR storage hall
X-1000 mal quer blockade, 2,400 protesters outside the “intermediate” CASTOR storage hall in Gorleben.
MON 4:53 pm Dannenberg
The sixth CASTOR casket has been cross-loaded as the seventh rolls into crane range.
MON 4:45 pm Quickborn
The musicians "Bachstelzen" (Wagtails) are playing to 100 people at Quickborn.
MON 4:45 Dannenberg
The fifth CASTOR casket has been cross-loaded.
MON 3:57 pm Dünsche
Blockading tractors have narrowed the road between Dünsche and Laase. Cars can pass.
MON 3:55 Lüchow
The tractors stand at the roundabout in Lüchow, direction to Küsten. The road is blocked.
MON 3:33 pm Kassel
The climbing activists from Kassel are threatened by prosecution. Be in solidarity and resistance. Number of bank account 111026274 BLZ21750000 Reference: CASTOR2010 Owners: H.Thoroe
MON 3:30 pm Radio Freies Wendland
The new programme times of Radio Freies Wendland 6 pm - 7 pm, 8 pm - 9 pm and 11 pm - 6 am.
MON 3:02 pm Gorleben
The road squat blockade of X-Tausendmal Quer can still be reached by detours.
MON 3:00 pm Gorleben
The chainsaw orchestra is on the way to the camp at Gorleben to perform.
MON 3:14 pm Dannenberg
The fourth CASTOR container has been cross-loaded onto its truck and its radioactivity is just being measured. The fifth is being prepared.
MON 3:02 pm Gorleben storage hall
The road squat blockade can still be reached by detours.
MON 3:00 pm Gorleben storage hall
The chainsaw orchestra is en route to Gorleben to give another performance.
MON 2:28 pm Dannenberg
The third CASTOR casket has been cross-loaded and the fourth is rolling into crane range.
MON 2:21 pm Gorleben
1,200 sheep and 500 goats are on the CASTOR route between Laase and Gorleben
MON 2:16 pm from Aachen to the Eifel
Nationwide call: MAKE NOISE AGAINST NUCLEAR POWER, go out of doors at 7:03 and carry the noise to Berlin every Monday at 7:03 pm.
MON 1:54 pm Pölitz
The chainsaw course with subsequent concert has ended in Pölitz.
MON 1:40 pm Dannenberg, Loading Crane
Cross-loading of the third CASTOR has started.
MON 1:22 pm Pölitz
58 power saws perform a wonderful concert near Pölitz. Water cannons are present but not in action.
MON 1:19 pm Caen, France
Sotir du Nucléaire asks for donations for the bail for the activists to: IBAN: FR76 1027 8040 2600 0200 8130 287 BIC: CMCIFR2A
MON 1:14 Caen, France
The French activists of Caen each have to deposit €15,000 or they’ll be put under arrest.
MON 1:11 pm Caen, France
Three of the five French activists who stopped the CASTOR in Caen were injured, one seriously. All of them suffered sinew injuries.
MON 1.06 pm You’re needed in Wendland NOW!
After the successful and continuing protests against the CASTOR consignment this year, everyone is called upon to come to the Wendland to support the protest: https://linksunten.indymedia.org/en/node/28097
After the CASTORS were blockaded, stopped and hindered, they’ve now reached Dannenberg. The CASTORS are being prepared for road trucking which is expected to happen this evening because the police want to avoid sending in their hundreds for a further night. And that’s the cue: it was obvious that the police were short of manpower. Clearing the last blockade near Harlingen took hours. In response to that recognition more than a thousand additional police had to be ordered in to relieve exhausted units.
This is the reason for our call-out. Many demonstrators are also tired and have spent long times in the cold. Many have left again and a few are coming in. But what about if now the street protest were supported by more people? Right, the police would have a huge problem!
You have enough time to get to Wendland at the right time. Share cars, talk friends into coming along or just grab grandma’s car and race off!
See you this evening on the street - or maybe even earlier!
MON 1:00 pm Loading crane, Dannenberg
The second CASTOR is closed. Its radioactivity is being measured.
MON 12:30 pm Loading crane, Dannenberg
The second CASTOR is cross-loaded to a truck.
MON 11:45 am Storage hall, Gorleben
The people on the street need blankets. Anyone with the time and the opportunity could bring some.
MON 11:25 am Loading crane, Dannenberg
Cross-loading of the first casket completed at 11:25 am.
MON 11:18 am Göhrde
Dispersal of the tractor blockade has begun, progressing slowly.
MON 11:18 am Essowiese, Dannenberg
Radio Freies Wendland on air until 4 p.m. on 89.7MHz.
MON 11:00 am Trebel
The power saw coaching starts in Trebel. Open to anyone, but bring your own gear. You need to take a wide berth to get there.
MON 11:00 am Trebel
At 11 am there will be a course on machine saws in Trebel. Anyone interested can take part but bring your own gear.
MON 10:51 am Loading crane, Dannenberg
Transferring the CASTORS to trucks to begin shortly. It will take at least 11 hours. Various registered vigils along the routes can be visited.
MON 10:44 am Gorleben storage hall
1,600 people have spent the night outside the storage hall. Best mood, can be reached walking from Gedelitz and Gorleben.
MON 10:40 am Splietau
The BI rally delayed until 11:30 am.
MON 10:34 am Splietau
After the BI rally, throughout the reloading period, several DJs will do their stuff to get people dancing.
MON 10:21 am Wendland
All vigils are registered and people must be let through to them.
MON 10:19 am Laase
Registered vigil: at the biogas plant 6 hours after arrival of the train.
MON 10:18 am Dannenberg BREAKING NEWS!
Police are massively marshalling. The BI rally in Splitau is registered and you must be let through.
MON 10:16 am Qickborn
Registered vigil: at the entrance to Dannenberg 6 hours after arrival of the train.
MON 10:14 am Harlingen
No one else needs to be picked up from the prisoner collection point in Harlingen.
MON 10:11 am Gross Gusborn
Registered vigil: 6 hours after arrival of the train at the Quickborn, Langendorf and Siemen crossing.
MON 10:30 am Splietau
Half an hour from now (10:30) rally at the paddock near Splietau.
MON 9:29 am Dannenberg
The CASTOR train has reached the loading crane.
MON 9:44 am Laase
If you want to kill some time while the CASTORS are reloaded onto trucks, you’ll find a varied cultural programme in the Musenpalast (palace of the muses) in Laase.
MON 9:41 am Gorleben
The road squat at the Gorleben storage hall site is growing, new blockaders are warmly welcomed.
MON 9:22 am Pisselberg
The CASTOR train has passed through Pisselberg.
MON 9:20 am Harlingen
The prisoners are allowed to leave the holding camp and would like to be fetched.
MON 9:18 am Seerau
The CASTOR train has passed Seerau bridge.
MON 9:15 Hitzacker
The CASTOR train is through Hitzacker.
MO 9:07 am Pudripp
The tractor blockade near Pudripp has been removed.
MO 09:02 am Harlingen
The CASTOR train passes the prisoner collection point near Harlingen.
MO 08:55 track kilometre 191
The CASTOR train passes the spot near Grünhagen where bed ballast was removed without stopping.
MON 8:41 Grünhagen BREAKING NEWS!
At track kilometre 190 near Grünhagen stone removers are at work again.
MON 8:37 am Göhrde station
The CASTOR is through Göhrde station.
MON 8:33 am Waddeweitz
Tractors are still blocking the roundabout near Waddeweitz.
MON 8:29 am Süschendorf
The CASTOR train has passed Süschendorf .
MON 8:30 am Göhrde
Tractors on the road also in Göhrde at the Jagdschloß (hunting lodge).
MON 8:28 am Pudripp
Tractors blocking Pudripp crossing.
MON 8:24 am Seedorf BREAKING NEWS!
The CASTOR train has departed from Seedorf near Dahlenburg and is moving towards Dannenberg, the railhead.
MON 8:24 am Seedorf
The CASTOR train has left Seedorf.
MON 7:28 am Gorleben
Some 1,600 people are in the xtausend squat blockade on the road to the CASTOR storage hall.
MON 7:24 am Seedorf
Godd morning. For those awake: The CASTOR train still stands in Seedorf near Dahlenburg, the resistance continues.
MON 7:11 am Harlingen
Those taken prisoner in Harlingen will be taken to the prisoner collection point in Lüchow.
MON 7:07 am Harlingen
The repair train stands at the place where thousands of people sat on the track.
MON 7:00 am Harlingen
As far as one can tell, there are no more people on the rails around Harlingen.
MON 6:57 am Harlingen
As well as cases of hypothermia and the usual injuries from police grips, one person’s shoulder was smashed when the track was cleared in Harlingen.
MON 6:50 am Harlingen
The last 9 blockers were roughly removed from the track.
MON 6:44 am Harlingen BREAKING NEWS!
For the prisoners suffering hypothermia in the open-air prisoner collection point, prisoner vans are arriving.
MON 6:33 am Waddeweit roundabout
The tractor blockade of the Waddeweitz roundabout is still calling for support.
MON 6:27 am Harlingen
People with cars are sought to pick people up from the prisoner holding point to take to the camps.
MON 6:24 am Göhrde
A tractor blockade In Göhrde at the branch-off to Himbergen wants more support.
MON 6:13 am Posade
The railway line has not been cleared completely of people yet, a few hundred are still resisting.
MON 5:55 am Harlingen
A repair train was sighted in Harlingen, which suggests that the track is usable again.
MON 5:43 am Harlingen
About 1,500 people held in the prisoner collection point. Now being kept well supplied, but cold at zero degrees.
MON 5:10 am Harlingen
New unit commander and more relaxed situation in the open-air prisoner collection point. Food and warm beverages are now available.
MON 4:44 am Harlingen
Police use painful grips on exhausted protesters to move them to a prisoner collection point.
MON 4:09 am Harlingen
In breach of agreements, police did not allow the People’s Kitchen through to the prisoners it was trying to supply.
MON 3:50 am Seedorf
Police had to yield and allows Greenpeace to measure radiation at the CASTOR from the house of a nearby resident.
MON 3:33 am Seedorf
Police use force to stop Greenpeace getting to the property of residents next to the CASTOR to do radiation measurements there.
MON 3:30 am Harlingen
The clearly exhausted police are becoming increasingly ruthless; people have been injured when forced out of blockades.
MON 3:27 am Harlingen
The People’s Kitchen is on the way to supply prisoners; a cleric has negotiated this with police.
MON 3:20 Harlingen
At the improvised prisoner collection point police hand out cushions to sit on and blankets.
MON 2:28 am Harlingen
People held in a police encirclement in Harlingen have neither warm drinks nor blankets and are forced to keep standing.
MON 2:09 am Seedorf
Police refuse to allow Greenpeace to measure radiation at the CASTOR, despite demands from nearby residents. The interior ministry is involved.
MON 1:53 am Harlingen
After the legally required three calls to disperse, police are removing demonstrators between track kilometres 187 and 186.
MON 1:41 am Harlingen
Police beginning to remove a large part of the blockade near Harlingen.
MON 1:25 am Harlingen
Police prisoners are collected in vehicle wagon rings where they are inadequately looked after.
MON 1:10 am Harlingen
The last 30 people of the smallest blockade part near Harlingen have left the rails after the third call by police to do so.
MON 1:05 am Harlingen
Police are removing people from some parts of the blockade near Harlingen while elsewhere it’s quiet and relaxed.
MON 01:00 am Harlingen
5,000 people in a blockade several kilometres long. Situation very unclear.
MON 00:39 am Posade
Police announce they will disperse another rail blockade near the Forsthaus Posade.
MON 00:38 am Harlingen
At track-kilometre 187, the "Widersetzen” rail squat blockade will be dispersed by the police.
MON 00:36 am Hitzacker
Police call on protesters to disperse. (They are legally required to make three such calls before taking further action.)
MON 00:07 am Wendland
Protesters insist on peaceful dispersal call by police.
SUN 11:30 pm Seedorf
The Castor train has by now been immobilised at Dahlenburg railway station between Seedorf and Gut Horn for more than three and a half hours.
SUN 10:47 pm Seedorf
The DPA news agency reports that police have given up on the blockades and don't expect the train to make its destination, Dannenberg, before tomorrow 9:00 am.
SUN 10:31 pm Dannenberg/Essowiese
An incredible wave of donations arrived here and is on the way to the people at the track.
SUN 8:59 pm Oldendorfer Brücke
Police remove the blockade on the Oldendorf bridge.
SUN 8.36 pm CASTOR railbed hollowed in places
By Schotterfreundin: http://de.indymedia.org/2010/11/293911.shtml
translated by Diet Simon
Despite massive police violence thousands of female and male activists managed to remove ballast stones from the 72-km railway line from Lüneburg to Dannenberg, the end of the rail trip for the CASTORS. When the stone removers withdrew late Sunday afternoon, there were quite a few holes under the rails. A successful day!
When the first groups began to dig stones out of the railbed near Leitstade, they were ruthlessly attacked by police with everything they’ve got: pepper spray, tear gas, truncheons and water cannons. False claims by police that they were attacked, for example by gas, are disproved by many videos on the Internet, e.g. Spiegel Online and Graswurzel TV: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Q7dPWhA9D4
Despite the police excesses, people kept on getting onto the rails for brief periods to remove ballast. A stretch of track kilometres long was repeatedly accessed by people before they were beaten back. Although activists were injured, they returned to the camps content and feeling victorious. The CASTORS aren’t in Gorleben by a long chalk and the blockades will go on.
SUN 8:31 pm Harlingen
The temperature is at the freezing point. Appeal goes out to Wendland people to support the protesters with blankets and warm clothes. Collecting point is the info point Essowiese in Dannenberg.
SUN 8:30 pm Dahlenburg
Train past Dahlenburg.
SUN 8:14 pm Wendland
Tractors are totally blocking the national highways B191, B216 and B248 leading into the Wendland. It prevents police bringing their units from Lüneburg to Dannenberg.
SUN 8:08 pm Harlingen
A lot of tractors near the track blockades in the forest.
SUN 8:00 pm Dahlenburg station
Castor train stopped again.
SUN 7:58 pm Dahlenburg
Train past Dahlenburg.
SUN 7:23 pm Harlingen
Protesters still blocking at Harlingen.
SUN 7:05 pm Pudripp
15-20 tractors, about 50 protesters blocking the crossing on route B 191.
SUN 6:44 pm Dumstorf
70 protesters sitting in front of the train.
SUN 6:42 pm Bavendorf
Train has arrived in Bavendorf.
SUN 6:10 pm Vastorf
The illuminated Castor drain drove through Vastorf, another train in front of it.
SUN 5:39 pm Harlingen West
Police have stopped calling on protesters to disperse in Harlingen West. They have personnel problems.
SUN 5:38 pm Göhrde
Blockades in the region of Göhrde 27 pictures: http://www.publixviewing.de/index.php?cont=news&id=81&n=1
SUN 5:38 pm Wendisch Evern
Castor train through Wendisch Evern, 200 protesters standing beside the tracks.
SUN 5:13 pm Wendisch Evern
The Castor train is near Wendisch Evern, 200 people on the tracks.
SUN 5:07 pm Lüneburg
Castor train leaves Lüneburg heading to Dannenberg (72 km).
SUN 4:41 pm Leitstade north
The music trailer still stands in Leitstade north. There are warm meals, blankets and clothing, music and fun.
SUN 3:52 pm Lüneburg
Train has arrived in Lüneburg, delayed 11h and 20 min.
SUN 3:40 pm Lüneburg
Train has arrived in Deutsch Evern.
SUN 3:21 pm Klein Bünstorf
The train has reached Klein Bünstorf.
SUN 3:17 pm Emmendorf
Train has arrived in Emmendorf.
SUN 3:13 pm Uelzen
The train ran through Uelzen station at 3:13 pm.
SUN 3:07 pm Klein Süstedt
Train passes Klein Süstedt.
SUN 3:04 pm Suderburg
Train is in Suderburg.
SUN 2:50 pm Unterlüss
The train has passed through Unterlüss; not yet in Suderburg.
SUN 2:39 pm Suderburg
Train south of Suderburg, 2:44 pm
SUN 2:34 pm Lüneburg
50 people on the Friedrich-Ebert bridge.
SUN 2:30 pm Dalle
Train started up again at 2:47 pm.
SUN 2.28 pm
Breakthru at several points after lunch break
Breakthrough at 3 points ... cops are exhausted it seems ... militants came back to track after lunch break and have managed to get the rocks off from under the train tracks at 3 places ... one woman got heavily injured by a horse ... one police tank got set on fire by militants ... more people chained to track still 150 km before the final destination, thus blocking the train, which is more than 10 hours late now (Post at http://de.indymedia.org/2010/11/293870.shtml).
SUN 2:04 pm Posade
2,000 people active on more than 1,200 metres of track between forestry house Posade and Harlingen.
SUN 1:55 pm Dalle
Second person removed out of the rails. One person still in the track bed.
SUN 1:52 pm Dalle
First person removed out of the rails in Dalle.
SUN 1:51 pm Gorleben
X1000: 1,200 people on the road at the storage hall.
SUN 1:47 pm Lüneburg
Stroll on the rails on Friedrich-Ebert bridge.
SUN 1:35 pm Wendland
Currently three tractor blockades: 15 tractors in Göhrde (Route B216), 15 tractors at the Tangsehl turnoff and 15 tractors at Streetzer Kreisel.
SUN 1:19 pm Dalle
Removal of people from rails begins at the blockade in Dalle.
SUN 1:06 pm Posade
Along 1,300m of track sit people packed tight. Good mood.
SUN 12:54 pm Lohe near Dalle
The train is stopped 200 metres from the blockade.
SUN 12:32 pm Harlingen
About 1,300 people at 188 km west of Harlingen on the track – good mood, few police.
SUN 12:30 pm Wendisch Evern
250 - 300 people on the move in the area, good mood, food and drink available.
SUN 12:28 pm Dalle
The blockade with the three chained-in people is still there. No police in sight, visitors welcome.
SUN 12:23 pm Dannenberg
Hundreds of warm beds are waiting for you in Dannenberg and east of there; contact beds bourse 05861/800 76 22.
SUN 11:59 am CELLE
The train passed CELLE at 12:14 pm.
SUN 11:53 am Otze
The CASTOR train is still stopped near OTZE before CELLE. Train operations have been stopped between Uelzen and Celle.
SUN 11:51 am West of Harlingen
100 people on rails surrounded by police.
SUN 11:37 am Harlingen Posade
About 500 people sitting tightly packed on the rails, mood is good. Mounted police holding back.
SUN 11:30 am Dalle BREAKING NEWS!
Three people chained to the rails between Eschede and Unterlüss near Dalle.
SUN 11:22 am Otze
Train stopped since 15 min. in OTZE before CELLE.
SUN 11:17 am Dannenberg reloading crane
Bicycle demo started from seated demo at the reloading crane.
SUN 11:12 am Forsthaus Posade
Registered vigil west of Forsthaus Posade. Rally allowed to take place, visitors warmly welcomed.
SUN 11:11 am Burgdorf
Train through Burgdorf.
SUN 11:06 am Leitstade
About 50 people at the Nord Leitstade vigil. So far easy to get top the railway track but water cannons and heavy equipment moving in.
SUN 10:59 am Oldendofer Brücke
Four tractors and 50 people on the Oldendorf bridge.
SUN 10:50 am Leitstade
About 400 people about 1 km in direction of Lüneburg from Leitstade station on the Elbe side.
SUN 10:49 am Lehrte
The train has departed Lehrte.
SUN 10:48 am B216
Rowo activists with banners in trees, who have installed a walkway; police blocking without a reason.
SUN 10:29 am Haringen
Rail squatters in Harlingen with several hundred people got through on foot through an underpass.
SUN 10:28 am Wendisch Evern
2nd vigil in a paddock with view of the railway track.
SUN 10:26 am Wendisch Evern
Vigil at Wendisch Evern bridge.
SUN 10:09 am B216
Robin Wood activists doing a road blockade with 15 people between Süschendorf and Oldendorf.
SUN 9:59 am Hitzacker
About 800 people of the rail squatting group Widersetzen are en route from Camp Hitzacker towards rails.
SUN 9:57 am Landkreis Uelzen
Several hundred people are on the move along the CASTOR route in Uelzen County, very few police present.
SUN 9:37 am Harlingen
Vigil north of the track in Harlingen.
SUN 9:32 am Leitstade - Grünhagen
Between Leitstade and Grünhagen far more than 1,000 people are on the rails. Police are using water cannons, truncheons and irritant gas. Video
SUN 9:35 am Bunte Hütte Tollendorf
Vigil northwest of Tollendorf by the BUNTE HÜTTE
SUN 9:32 am Forsthaus (forestry house) Posade
Vigil near Forsthaus Posade, 50 m north of the track.
SUN 9:26 am Leitstade North & South
Several licensed vigils have started along the railway line: LEITSTADE NORD,LEITSTADE SÜD, WANDERHÜTTE between LEITSTADE & GRÜNHAGEN,in GRÜNHAGEN
SUN 9:20 am Rail KM 193
People are near the rails, police there in tight lines, anyone trying to reach the rails risks pepper spray.
SUN 9:18 am Lehrte
Contrary to radio info, the train has not yet left Lehrte, but is having a pause there.
SUN 9:18 am Govelin
It’s currently possible to get through the forest well with cars.
SUN 9:01 am Lüneburg
The info point in Lüneburg has been set up on the Schaaf crossing, in view of the track.
SUN 8:50 am Harlingen
Refreshment station in Harlinger Strasse, corner of Auwischhof, has opened. Food, drink and warmth on offer.
SUN 8:49 am Lehrte
Train runs into Lehrte.
SUN 8:35 am Laatzen
Train passes Laatzen.
SUN 8:24 am Nordstemmen
The train is through Nordstemmen, heading for Hanover.
SUN 8:15 am Metzingen/Köhlingen
Masses of demonstrators, the first, make it to the railway line.
SUN 8:05 am Alfeld
Train passes Alfeld.
SUN 8:00 am Splietau
The tractors are not allowed to be driven away, unbfortunately the cold weather is preventing the police arriving.
SUN 7:51 am Uelzen and Celle
In Uelzen and Celle several hundred people set out to inspect the railway track.
SUN 7:50 am Wendland
Masses of people heading for the actions planned along the rails. Estimate at 8 am c. 5,000.
SUN 7:43 am Hitzacker
Rail squatters are warming up in Hitzacker before heading with nearly 1,000 people to the rails.
SUN 7:35 am Göttingen
The train has run through Göttingen station.
SUN 7:16 am Metzingen
More than 1,000 people from Camp Metzingen are heading to the railway track.
SUN 7:13 am Eichenberg
En route to Göttingen the train has passed Neu-Eichenberg near Witzenhausen.
SUN 7:13 am Splietau
The tractors on the CASTOR trucking route in are to be removed today. First efforts observable since 7 am. 7 pictures: http://www.publixviewing.de/index.php?cont=show&id=79&n=1
SUN 7:05 am Köhlingen
More than 1,000 people from Camp Köhlingen have set out towards the railway track.
SUN 7:03 am Hannoversch Münden
Train through at 6:58 am, travelling fast.
SUN 6:58 am Quickborn
Quickborn will tomorrow provide a tea kitchen in the Dorfstrasse as a meeting point.
SUN 6:48 am Kassel
The train is through Kassel, heading for Göttingen.
SUN 6:32 am Neestahl
Arrests on the grounds that objects were in possession that could be used to damage railway tracks.
SUN 6:05 am Malsfeld
The train has passed Malsfeld and is running at normal speed again.
SUN 5:55 am Metzingen/Köhlingen
Massive ID checks on the way to the railway track!
SUN 5:53 am Beiseförth
The train is now in Beiseförth near Malsfeld.
SUN 5:41 am Altmorschen
The train is stopped again, about 100 metres beyond the bridge.
SUN 5:35 am Altmorschen
A police climbing unit is now present to remove the protest climbers from the Fulda Valley Bridge.
SUN 5:26 am Altmorschen
After a two-hour five-minute blockade the police have driven under the climbers completely.
SUN 5:20 Altmorschen BREAKING NEWS!
The train moves at walking speed under the abseilers.
SUN 5:17 am Altmorschen
The train has driven up to a distance of 20 metres from the abseilers and has not passed them yet.
SUN 5:07 am Altmorschen
The blockaders on the ground were removed, the two climbers are still hanging about 70 metres above the track. The power line has been switched off, the CASTOR train can’t run.
SUN 4:45 am Altmorschen
The squirral is still hanging, the blockaders on the ground are having their ID’s taken down.
SUN 4:03 am Altmorschen
A media release on the action states that 50 people and one squirrel are taking part in the blockade and the abseiling.
SUN 4:00 am Göttingen BREAKING NEWS!
200 people took part this night in a spontaneous anti-CASTOR demonstration in Göttingen.
SUN 3:45 am Altmorschen
In the blockade are banners on the Fulda Valley Bridge and bright blue neon lights.
SUN 3:40 am Metzingen
Police seem to have woken up, noticed moving up the railway track.
SUN 3:21 Altmorschen BREAKING NEWS!
Protesters have stopped the train! Since 3:21 am there’s been an abseil action and a rail squat near Altmorschen. Police present.
SUN 3:05 am Bebra
The train continues its run from Bebra towards Kassel.
SUN 1:45 am Bebra
The train is standing in Bebra. It’s decided here whether it continues on in the direction of Kassel or directly to Göttingen.
SUN 01:25 am Friedlos
The CASTOR train has just passed Friedlos (ironic: friedlos means “peaceless“), which means it’s past Bad Hersfeld, heading for Bebra. (Follow the run on an updating map: http://castorticker.de/map)
SUN 1:19 am Bad Hersfeld
The CASTOR train raced through Bad Hersfeld at 90 km per hour. What happens with a CASTOR should it derail at 90 kph? Pictures: http://www.osthessen-news.de/beitrag_G.php?id=1189606
Picture series: http://www.abendblatt.de/region/article1687407/Rekordprotest-gegen-Casto...
SUN 1:00 am Hünfeld
The train has finished its logistics stop and is moving towards Bad Hersfeld.
SUN 00:34 pm Dannenberg
Policeman suicides - The Gorleben resistance organisation, Bürgerinitiative Umweltschutz Lüchow-Dannenberg (BI), expresses shock at the news that a federal policeman assigned to the CASTOR consignment has taken his own life. “He is said to have shot himself with his service pistol in his accommodation,” BI spokesman Wolfgang Ehmke said in a media release. “We are shocked and express our condolences to the family. We can only hope that this suicide is not connected in any way with this assignment.”
(Wolfgang Ehmke 0170 510 56 06)
SUN 00:22 am Hünfeld
The train is in Hünfeld, stopped for logistics.
SUN 00:10 am Fulda
The train was seen around 00:10 am in Fulda.
42 pictures: http://www.fr-online.de/politik/polizei-nimmt-blockierer-in-gewahrsam/-/...
SA 11:45 pm Schlüchtern
The train passed Fulda at 11:45 pm.
SA 11:20 pm Gelnhausen
The train passed Gelnhausen at 11:20 pm.
SA 11:08 pm Hanau BREAKING NEWS!
The CASTOR train is running from Hanau towards Fulda.
SA 11:08 pm
According to Greeenpeace, an axle of the CASTOR train is overheated, between wagons 6 and 7.
SA 11:00 pm Wendlandbahn
The rallies of the BI organisers at the Wendlandbahn are registered and licensed, protesters should not allow themselves to be turned away.
SA 10:53 pm Wendlandbahn
As soon as the train has passed Lehrte, rallies organised by the BI will begin in Leitstade (north and south), Grünhagen, Posade, Försterkamp and Bunte Hütte.
Video by MDR broadcasting organisation: http://www.mdr.de/nachrichten/7847774.html
SA 10:40 pm Mainaschaff BREAKING NEWS!
The train is in Mainaschaff and turning north towards Hanau.
50,000 protesters
The Bürgerinitiative Umweltschutz Lüchow-Dannenberg (BI) reports 50,000 protesters in the county. "Much bigger than expected" - media release in German.
SA 10:08 pm Mainaschaff
Correction: The train is not yet in Mainaschaff, but en route to there.
SA 9:48 pm Laase Musenpalast
All arriving and departing cars, although the people have tickets to the gig in the Musenpalast, are subjected to traffic controls. Protest is lodged against that.
SA 9:43 pm Mainaschaff
The train is in Mainaschaff.
SA 9:42 pm Langendorf
About 70 people came to a concert with DIREKT in the Langendorf church.
SA 9:40 pm Darmstadt Kranichstein
The train is running again.
SA 9:37 pm Hitzacker
Rail squatting training brought forward to 6:30.
SA 9:33 pm Darmstadt BREAKING NEWS!
The train is stopped in Darmstadt. A vigil by protesters there is surrounded by police.
SA 9:19 pm Splietau
The tractors have permission to sty until 8 am tomorrow.
SA 9:17 pm Darmstadt
In Darmstadt there were at least 4 people on the rails who were carried away. The train was held up.
SA 9:00 pm Gross Gerau
The train passed Gross Gerau at 8:57 pm.
SA 8:50 pm Biblis
The train reached Biblis at 8.40 pm.
SA 8:28 pm Mannheim
The train reached Mannheim-Käfertal at 8:27 pm.
SA 7:02 pm Metzingen
More than 1,000 people in Metzingen.
SA 8.37 pm Dannenberg
Pictures after the main rally: http://www.publixviewing.de/index.php?cont=news&id=77&n=1
SA 8:09 pm Dannenberg
The train has the following configuration: Two red diesel locomotives, six passenger carriages, 11 Castor low-loaders, six passenger carriages, two red diesel locomotives.
SA 8:02 pm Biblis
The train is en route to Biblis and Mannheim.
SA 7:28 pm Karlsruhe
The Castor train passes Karlsruhe.
SA 7:08 pm Baden-Baden
Escorted by helicopters, the train has left Baden-Baden.
SA 7:02 pm Metzingen
More than 1,000 people in Metzingen.
SA 6:15 pm Splietau
Huge blockade party in Splietau. Great mood, fun!!!!
SA 6:13 pm Darmstadt
A crowd of 200- 400 people at Darmstadt-Kranichstein station is growing all the time.
7 pictures: http://www.spiegel.de/fotostrecke/fotostrecke-61362.html
SA 6:03 pm Kehl
The train is moving again.
SA 5:43 Karlsruhe
Several hundred people blockading the road crossing Ettlinger Strasse/Ettlinger Allee.
SA 5:04 pm Dannenberg/Splietau
Pictures of the main rally (photographer reports 50,000 demonstrators): http://www.publixviewing.de/index.php?cont=news&id=76&n=1
SA 4:57 Splietau
150 tractors blockading the southern route in Splietau. 25 pictures: http://www.publixviewing.de/index.php?cont=news&id=75&n=1
SA 4:53 Splietau
All of Splietau is just one tractor blockade which looks like staying that way for a while.
SA Gedelitz Camp
At 8 p.m. there will be an information rally by X-1000mal-quer in CAMP GEDELITZ.
SA 4:30 pm Kehl
The train is now stopped 400 metres from the Kinzig Bridge, which it must pass, while three Greenpeace activists are hanging under the bridge.
SA 3:47 pm Kehl
Two Greenpeace climbers are hanging on the Kinzig bridge of Kehl. The train must pass this place.
SA 3:09 pm Splietau
Police move against moles digging roads in the rally area. 6 pictures
SA 2:49 pm Strasbourg
This is the first time a Castor train is running through so large and densely populated city.
SA 2:43 pm Dannenberg/Splietau
Large numbers of people are still streaming from all directions to the rally.
SA 2:13 pm Kehl
The train is stopped in Kehl station and is taking on board German personnel, locomotives are exchanged, etc.
SA 2:04 pm Kehl
The train has crossed into Germany at Kehl.
SA 1:59 pm Dannenberg
The town is full of people who still want to get to the rally.
SA 1:46 pm Strasbourg
The train has just turned around and is now heading in the direction of Kehl.
SA 1:39 pm Hausbergen
The train is running south, route unknown, definitely not towards Kehl nor Lauterbourg.
SA 12:56 pm Hoenheim
The Castor train is still stopped in Hoenheim/Hausbergen station. Not yet clear whether it will continue via Berg or Kehl.
SA 12:32 pm Langendorf, church
The band DIREKT will perform at 8 p.m. in the Langendorf church.
SA 12:20 pm Hausbergen
Train has arrived in Hausbergen. Scheduled stop of about 50 minutes to take on board German Federal Police, German locomotive driver.
SA 12:09 pm Strasbourg
The train is running again from Strasbourg towards Lauterbourg. A blockade in Lauterbourg has alrteady been dispersed.
SA 12:01 pm Berg
Almost all demonstrators in Berg, at least 1,000 people, are squatting on the rails. German video of Berg rail squat: http://www.swr.de/nachrichten/-/id=396/nid=396/did=7121000/16dyj0x/ English video: http://www.cinerebelde.org/successful-castor-blockade-at-francogerman-bo...
SA 12:00 noon Lauterbourg/Berg
Two chained-on Greenpeace activists have been unchained from the track, two others are still chained on.
SA 11:51 am Lauterbourg/ Berg
Already 500 people on the rails at Berg.
SA 11:42 am Lauterbourg/ Berg
Castor train nearing the German-French border, expected to cross it at 12:30 pm. Already more than 100 people on the rails at Berg.
SA 11:37 am Gusborn
The tractors are now running between Gusborn and Splietau.
SA 11:30 am Witzenhausen
50 people at an anti-CASTOR rally in Witzenhausen, northern Hessen, on the marketplace.
SA 11:22 am Grippel
The road to the rally from the Grippel direction is reserved fopr tractors. Cars have to get to the rally by different routes. Police directing.
SA 11:16 am Berg
Estimated 2,500 people at the rally in Berg. Massive police checks.
SA 11:05 am Berg
More than 1,000 people at the rally in Berg waiting for the Castor train.
SA 10:54 am Jameln
In the surroundings of der Jameln in the direction of the rally only walking pace is possible because of traffic density.
SA 7:29 am Bar-le-Duc
The train passed Bar-le-Duc at 7:29 am, continuing on towards Longuyon.
SA 4:48 am Reims
Castor train seen around 4:48 am in Reims.
The Castor train is running from Amiens via Reims to Longuyon. The new route is shown at castorticker.de/map.
SA 2:05 am Longueau
The Castor train has left the freight yards of Longueau near Amiens and is continuing not on the expected route, but towards Reims. (Follow the run on an updating map: http://castorticker.de/map)
SA 00:20 am Dannenberg
After the rally, at about 5 pm, Landessuperintendent H. Jantzen (senior churchman), the writer A.Maier will speak on the theme "They won’t get through with Gorleben ".
SA 00:16 am Dannenberg
124 people from Stuttgart are travelling in three buses to Wendland to take part in the rally in Dannenberg/Splietau.
SA 00:10 am Amiens
Castor train passed Amiens at 00:10 am.
FRI 11.50 pm Hitzacker
atomkraftwegbassen.blogsport.de in Hitzacker
FRI 11:26 pm Dannenberg
Radio Freies Wendland broadcast from midnight to 2 a.m. on the Internet. First broadcast on 89.7MHz tomorrow with traffic reports. Tailbacks likely!
FRI 11:24 pm Breese i.d.M.
About 500 people in Breese i.d.M. at Meiselgeier concert!
FRI 11:10 pm Quickborn
In breach of agreements made, police are checking and obstructing people in the Quickborn area.
FRI 11:07 pm Metzingen
In breach of agreements made, police are checking people’s IDs and obstructing them.
FRI 10:35 pm Sotteville
50-minute logistical stop ended. Train continues towards Wendland.
FRI 9:47 pm Metzingen
Metzingen cordoned off in a wide sweep. Access currently only from the Hitzacker direction.
FRI 9:37 pm Sotteville-les-Rouen
The Castor train has reached Sotteville-les-Rouen, where locomotives will be exchanged, taking about 50 minutes.
FRI 9:08 pm Metzingen
Route B 216 closed in Metzingen because police are redirecting traffic.
FRI 9:04 pm Splietau
The trek from the Schacht Konrad nuclear waste dump http://wikimapia.org/2162433/Schacht-Konrad, near the city of Salzgitter, comprising 40 vehicles, including 20 tractors, has arrived in Splietau.
FRI 8:58 pm Splietau
Rally programme part 5 Saturday: 3:30 pm music by Irie Révoltés, 4 pm closure.
FRI 8:53 pm Splietau
Rally programme part 3: 1:40 pm music Rainer v. Vielen, 2:10 addresses by Claas Chocholowitz, Lars-Ole Walburg, Luise Neumann-Cosel.
FRI 8:47 pm Lüneburg
Towards the end of the rally in Lüneburg the demonstration comprised 2,500 people. Very large police presence. (Report in German: http://de.indymedia.org/2010/11/293761.shtml)
FRI 8:42 pm Splietau
Rally programme part 1 Saturday: 11:00 am start with sound checks, 12:10 pm Lüneburger Schrotttrommler (drummers), 12:40 HAKA, 12:50 Wilhelm Wittstamm.
FRI 8:40 pm Metzingen
The blockade of route B 216 in Metzingen has been dispersed. Mood still good.
FRI 8:35 pm Neu Tramm
200 people and many tractors at the grill-off in Neu Tramm. Good mood and sausages.
FRI 8:28 pm Langendorf
The band DIREKT playing from 8 p.m. in the church in Langendorf.
FRI 8:22 pm Breese /Marsch
8 pm fundraising concert by the local Meiselgeier rock band at Schmaggel in Breese/Marsch, €3 admission.
FRI 8:21 pm Caen
Train still stopped, non-violent action by 4 activists and 150 demonstrators near the train.
FRI 8:19 pm Lüchow
350 people, holding lanterns and singing, took part in the solemn vigil. 20 pictures: http://www.publixviewing.de/index.php?cont=show&id=80&n=1
FRI 8:15 pm Lüneburg
About 1,000 people in Lüneburg in the rally at the marketplace.
FRI 8:10 pm Metzingen / Dannenberg
Since 8 p.m. 250 people are walking in a lantern procession on route B 216 in the Lüneburg direction.
FRI 8:03 pm Caen
5 people blockaded. Police acted so brutally that two demonstrators needed treatment in hospital, one in surgery.
Update 4 am 7th: One of those who had chained themselves on is still in hospital after an operation for a severed hand sinew. Four others also needed medical treatment. Altogether six people were presented to an arresting judge after 24 hours in investigative detention. They will go to court on 8 December and face 15,000 euro fines each for interfering with railway operation.
FRI 7:15 pm Caen
The rail blockade has been removed. The train is running again and has passed through Caen.
FRI 6:39 pm Lüneburg
Rally in Lüneburg of about 1,000 people at the railway station. Soon to move through the town towards the police station.
FRI 6:33 pm Caen
Train still stopped, 4 people chained to rails, big hanging banner saying GRENZENLOSER WIDERSTAND (Resistance Without Boundaries) in German, four people arrested.
FRI 5:55 pm Splietau
Rally programme part 4: 2:30 pm Rocko Schamoni + Bela B 2:45 Music LE FLY 3:15 addresses: - Martin Lemke - Michael Wilk
FRI 5:49 pm Splietau
Rally programme part 2: 1 pm county chairman Schulz, 1.10 pm minute’s silence, then addresses by Kerstin Rudek (leader of the Gorleben civic action group), Kumi Naidoo (executive director of Greenpeace International) and Anneliese Buntenbach (member of the national executive of the German Confederation of Trade Unions).
FRI 5.32 pm Darmstadt
The Castor train departed from La Hague at 2.30 pm. Its schedule is tighter than we calculated, so we are mobilising for tomorrow (Saturday), 5 pm, Kranichsteiner Bahnhof. Licensed warning vigil in front of the railway overpass (Jägertor-/Parkstr.) Hard to say just when the Castor train reaches Darmstadt, hence the vigil. Prepare for a longer stay (dress warm, blankets), we’ll provide music, food and drink. (Reported by atomkraftENDE.darmstadt.)
FRI 5 pm Münster
More than 300 people from Münsterland travelling Saturday to the main rally in Dannenberg. (SOFA reporting.)
FRI 4.10 pm Quickborn
People and vehicles being searched in Quickborn although free passage had been assured.
FRI 4:06 pm Caen, France
The Castor train has been stopped (report in German: http://linksunten.indymedia.org/en/node/27932) by 12 people chained to the rails. Splietau camp urgently needs spoons. The People’s Kitchen urgently needs large pots with lids and thermos flasks, as well as collapsible tables, possibly donated or well labelled on loan.
FRI 3:26 pm Hitzacker
This evening RAVERPARTY with \"atomkraftwegbassen\" (“blow nuclear power away”) in CAMP Hitzacker
FRI 3:22 pm Dannenberg
7.30 pm Info gig in Schützenhaus Dannenberg.
FRI 3:18 pm Harlingen
ID’s being checked in Harlingen at the Biohofladen. Police harassing people and stopping them getting through in the Posade direction.
FRI 3:12 pm Dannenberg
Organisers still need parking attendants for the demo. Those willing and able report by 6 pm to 058618007666.
FRI 3:03 pm Neu Tramm
7 pm traditional grill-off outside the Neu Tramm barracks.
FRI 3:00 pm Hitzacker
7 pm lantern processions sets out from Camp Hitzacker.
FR 2:55 pm Essowiese
Far more than 300 buses of demonstrators have already been announced, and counting.
FR 2:47 pm Essowiese
Visitors from Stuttgart. Flügel-TV is on location and will feed images into the web under http://fluegel.tv/.
FR 2:45 pm Lüchow
6 pm Warning vigil with Marianne Fritzen (“mother” of the Gorleben resistance), Stephan Wichert v. Holten and Martina Lammers on Lüchow marketplace.
FR 2:36 pm Lüneburg
6 pm Demo outside Lüneburg tailway station. Infos at http://www.hartbackbord.tk.
FR 2:24 pm Valognes BREAKING NEWS!
The Castor train departed from Valognes at 2.24 pm. We’ll meet tomorrow at noon at the biggest anti-nuclear power demo in Dannenberg/Splitau.
FR 2:33 pm Uelzen
3.30 pm Welcoming the trek World Nuclear Inheritance Braunschweig at Herzogenplatz in Uelzen.
FR 2:21 pm Metzingen
Ralley Monte Göhrde set off with 200 people from Metzingen and Köhlingen.
FR 1:53 pm Dannenberg
Weather in the county getting better all the time. Dry and c. 14 degrees.
FR 1:47 pm Gorleben
5 pm Lantern procession sets off in Gorleben at the exit towards Dannenberg.
FR 1:19 pm
Police union and taxpayer association reportedly demanded 50 million euro security fee from the nuclear companies for the Castor transportation.
FR 1:07 pm Dannenberg
Info point at Essowiese in Dannenberg now in business. Also brokers sleeping places.
FR 1.05 pm Wendland
Radio Freies Wendland will do traffic guidance from 10 am to 5 pm Saturday for the demo. Frequencies: Lüneburg: 95.5 MHz, Wendland: 89.7 MHz.
FR 12:45 pm Klein Gusborn
Farmers now allowed to set up a camp after all, construction permit just issued by the County authority.
FR 12:24 pm Bresse in der Marsch
Meiselgeier (Wendland rock cover band) playing tonight at 7 pm in Gasthof Schmaggel, Breese/Marsch.
FR 12:20 pm Wendland
People’s Kitchen Wendland says thanks for overwhelming response to call for donations and says keep it coming.
FR 10:33 am Everywhere BREAKING NEWS!
The official Castor time table appeared on Indymedia linksunten: linksunten.indymedia.org/de/node/27894
FR 10:32 Lüchow
School kids‘ demo numbers growing, now at 1,400 participants. Pictures: http://www.publixviewing.de/index.php?cont=news&id=72&n=1
FR 10:25 am Lüchow
School kids‘ demo has grown to 1,200 participants.
FR 10:10 am Lüchow
The school kinds‘ demo in Lüchow comprises 400-500 kids, 10 tractors, accompanied by police.
FR 10:00 am Braunschweig
30 to 40 tractors from the Asse and Konrad nuclear dumps setting off to Wendland after a rally. (Braunschweig to Dannenberg is about 123 km.)
FR 09:57 am Lüchow
400 t0 500 school kids demonstrating. Police at egg stand asking each kid why they’re buying eggs.
THU 11:03 pm Metzingen
Termin für Freitag: Rallye Monte Göhrde ab 14 Uhr. Start in Metzingen und Köhlingen!
THU 9:22 pm Wendland
Internet streaming of Radio Freies Wendland (Radio Free Wendland) now available, audible live and on castorticker.de
THU 9:02 pm Metzingen (Wendland)
Farm machinery display: about 350 people. Police dispersed assembly on Route B216.
On Thursday evening 4 November about 350 people gathered in Metzingen near Dannenberg for a so-called exhibition of agricultural machinery. (Pictures) After music was played live from a truck, the 350 and a few tractors blockaded route B216 for about 90 minutes. Police moved in and dispersed the blockade after some time. This action resulted in two temporary arrests and one person being injured. Subsequently the police extinguished a fire drum and secured the area for a while longer.
THU 8:51 pm Metzingen
250 people and 40 tractors at farm machinery display.
THU 7:13 pm Germersheim (south Germany)
General ban also issued against assembling along the Castor route around Wörth (“south blockade”).
THU 7:00 pm Dannenberg (Wendland)
Our gear is set up, we’re starting to ticker.
Black and white pictures: http://www.flickr.com/photos/agfreiburg/sets/72157625332039392/
Pictures from Metzingen
Here are some Pictures from Metzingen:
Pictures Collection at Castor 2010: