27.03.2009 16:18
A Critical Mass is gathering in Freiburg under the shadow of a massive presence:14 Vans 5 Cars, 3 Motorcycles und 5 Bike Cops for 7 demonstrators
27.03.2009 16:46
The Critical Mass has taken off. Alongside 10 Activists, are 4 Bikes Cops. Die rest of the Cops have moved away.
27.03.2009 17:07
After a spin around town, the Critical Mass has entered the city center. With that, the motorized cops, who try to follow us around the city, were shaken off
27.03.2009 17:31
Critical mass has grown to 20 bikers and requires its own drive lane. Police director Hochulli wants the participants to register an assembly with them, but the participants refuse.
27.03.2009 18:00
The Critical Mass has passed the CC in der KTS Photos available here linksunten.indymedia.org/node/1889
27.03.2009 18:15
Critical Mass has a brief visit with Staatsminister Gernot Erler in Freiburg-Weingarten. More available here linksunten.indymedia.org/de/node/1817
27.03.2009 18:35
Ein Polizeihubschrauber kreist über Freiburg-Süd.
27.03.2009 19:17
Critical Mass kommt nach einer Runde um die Polizeiakademie am Convergernce Center an.
29.03.2009 18:16
Die deutschen Grenzer kontrollieren beim Verlassen der Bundesrepublik Deutschland zwischen Goldscheuer und Strasbourg-Süd.
30.03.2009 13:27
Die Bullen kontrollieren stadteinwärts auf dem Autobahnzubringer zwischen Ausfahrt Freiburg Mitte und Innenstadt.
30.03.2009 14:51
Die Bullen kontrollieren stadteinwärts hinter der Ausfahrt Nord.
30.03.2009 15:14
Bereits um 14 Uhr Bullen Kontrollen am Bhf siehe: linksunten.indymedia.org/de/node/2123
30.03.2009 15:18
Massive Personenkontrollen auf allen Zufahrten nach Freiburg, teilweise sind die Straßen aufgrund von Staus dicht.
30.03.2009 15:56
Die Bullen haben in Freiburg schweres Gerät am Start: Wasserwerfer und Räumpanzer wurden gesichtet
30.03.2009 16:23
Auf dem Autobahn-Zubringer Freiburg Mitte kontrolliert eine Hundertschaft Mannheimer Bereitschaftspolizei mit Maschinenpistolen
30.03.2009 16:26
RDL berichtet seit 16 Uhr mit einer Sondersendung über die Demo. Live-Stream: linksunten.indymedia.org/node/1732
30.03.2009 16:34
19 kleine und ein großer Polizei-Bus stehen vorm Konzerthaus. Auf jeder Treppe, auf jedem Gleis und im Bahnhofsgebäude patrouillieren PolizistInnen, teileise in Kampfanzügen.
30.03.2009 16:40
Verstärkte Kontrollen am Bahnhof. In der Innenstadt verhältnismäßig wenig Bullen, es sind jedoch auffällig viele private Sicherheitsfirmen vor Ort.
30.03.2009 16:43
Es gibt die ersten Polizeikontrollen am Bahnhof.
30.03.2009 17:03
Kundgebungsbeginn um 17:00 verzögert sich leicht
30.03.2009 17:10
Ca.150 BFEler Bertoldstr Richtung Brunnen. Einsatzzug Bepo Richtung Rathaus
30.03.2009 17:10
Bullenfunkwagen auf dem Schloßberg
30.03.2009 23:03
Demonstration started at Rathausplatz
30.03.2009 17:45
Mehrere jugendliche Punks wurden von den Bullen kontrolliert und wegen ihrer ACAB-Aufnäher belästigt
30.03.2009 17:56
Kundgebung am Rathausplatz beendet
30.03.2009 17:57
Polizeisprecher Ulrich Brecht kuendigt an, dass die Kontrollen auf den Zufahrtstrassen fortgesetzt werden
30.03.2009 18:05
Viele Leute am Bertoldsbrunnen, es gibt Musik, die Stimmung ist gut
30.03.2009 18:06
Im Moment ist es moeglich vom Rathaus zum Bertoldsbrunnen zu kommen
30.03.2009 18:06
Menschen bewegen sich von der vorhergehenden Kundgebung am Rathausplatz zum Bertholdsbrunnen wo demnächst die Demo starten wird. Bullen haben sich an strategischen Punkten aufgestellt. Die Zahl der Demonstranten: 500-1000
30.03.2009 18:14
Der Lauti ist am Bertoldsbrunnen angekommen. Die Demo wird die KaJo Richtung Siegesdenkmal laufen.
30.03.2009 18:21
Am Bertoldsbrunnen sind im Moment mindestens 1200 Leute.
30.03.2009 18:25
Der Lauti hat angefangen zu spielen und es geht demnächst los
30.03.2009 18:32
Die Demo steht weiterhin am Bertoldsbrunnen. Die Cops machen Richtung Salzstrasse dicht, auch fuer Menschen mit Presseausweiss.
30.03.2009 18:33
Bullen-Einssatzleiter Hochuli nimmt an, dass bisher 1000 bis 1500 Menschen an der Demo teilnehmen
30.03.2009 18:35
Fast alle Geschäfte in der KaJo haben aus Angst vor dem Schwarzen Block geschlossen
30.03.2009 18:38
Der Lauti-Wagen ist zur Demo gestossen. Die Demo wächst immer noch.
30.03.2009 18:41
Die Demo ist auf mindestens 2000 Personen angewachsen. Clowns und Sambaband an der Demospitze
30.03.2009 18:49
Demo läuft los, vorneweg 3 Reihen Bullen ohne Helme, lockeres Spalier
30.03.2009 18:58
Auf Höhe der Sparkasse in der KaJo gab es einen Redebeitrag auf deutsch und englisch, jetzt läuft die Demo weiter
30.03.2009 19:09
Habsburgerstrasse und Schlossbergring sind wohl von Bullen und Wannen blockiert
30.03.2009 19:14
Demozug wurde auf Höhe Karstadt gestoppt, Bullen wollen Ansprechpartner
30.03.2009 19:20
Vor dem Karstadt ist eine Rauchbombe auf ein Polizeiauto geflogen. Eine Durchsage der Bullen geht in Sprechchören unter
30.03.2009 19:20
Demo läuft weiter Richtung Merianstrasse
30.03.2009 19:36
Ein Bullengreiftrupp hat mindestens einen Demonstranten aus der Demo gezogen
30.03.2009 19:57
Routenvorschlag der Bullen an der Merianstrasse per Lautsprecher: Friedrichring bis Fahnenbergplatz, dann Richtung Theater, Eisenbahnstrasse, Grün
30.03.2009 20:08
Demo läuft vom Fahnenbergplatz über den Rotteckring Richtung Stadttheater
30.03.2009 20:14
Demo läuft im Wanderkessel. 2 Leute wurden am Rektorat rausgezogen und fotografiert
30.03.2009 20:18
Auf Höhe der Deutschen Bank gibt es einen Redebeitrag über DHL. Danach soll es weiter Richtung Bahnhof gehen
30.03.2009 20:26
Die Demo ist auf Höhe der Post, in der Eisenbahnstrasse. Es ist sehr eng, die Bullen tragen keine Helme
30.03.2009 20:30
5 Reihen Bullen vor der Post, jetzt geht es im Wanderkessel weiter Richtung Bahnhof
30.03.2009 20:36
Zwei Personen wurden auf dem Weg nach Freiburg kontrolliert und festgenommen. Einer der beiden wurde noch nicht wieder freigelassen
30.03.2009 20:39
In der Eisenbahnstrasse sind auf der einen Seite fast so viele Bullen wie DemonstrantInnen. Am Seitentranspi gibt es Gerangel. Die Demo ist kurz vor dem Bahnhof
30.03.2009 20:41
Bullen ziehen Helme auf, Demo biegt in die Bismarckallee Richtung Grün ein
30.03.2009 20:43
Die Bullen kesseln die Demo ein!
30.03.2009 20:44
Durchsage der Bullen: Demo solle friedlich bleiben. Demo geht weiter Richtung Wilhelmstrasse, vor dem Bahnhof fünf Reihen Bullen
30.03.2009 20:50
Rufe: "Helme ab, Helme ab!" Demo ist kurz vor der Strassenbahnbrücke. Bullen wollen die Demo auf eine Fahrbahn drängen.
30.03.2009 20:53
Nach unterschiedlichen Schätzungen nehmen mehr als 2000 Personen und eine grosse Anzahl Bullen an der Demonstration teil
30.03.2009 20:55
Viele Schaulustige auf der Strassenbahnbrücke. Es wird immer enger: 3-4 Bullenreihen auf jeder Seite. Stimmung ist gut und es geht kämpferisch voran
30.03.2009 21:01
Die Demo biegt in die Wilhelmstrasse ein
30.03.2009 21:04
Viele PassantInnen würden sich gern der Demonstration anschliessen, werden aber durch den Wanderkessel abgeschreckt
30.03.2009 21:08
Die Demo befindet sich Ecke Belfortstrasse-Adlerstrasse. Die Bullen greifen von Richtung Belfortstrasse an und versuchen, Leute rauszuziehen
30.03.2009 21:10
Die Demo befindet sich im Grün, der Wanderkessel wurde in Richtung Adlerstrasse geöffnet
30.03.2009 21:15
Die Bullen drängen die Demo ins Grün, die Helme werden abgesetzt. Im Grün gibt es Vokü, die Bullen sind nicht eingeladen
30.03.2009 21:17
Die ganze Demo ist im Grün. Eine schwarzuniformierte, hessische Bulleneinheit hat sich auch dorthin verirrt
30.03.2009 21:20
Die hessischen Bullen haben ihren Fehler bemerkt und wurden abgezogen
30.03.2009 21:23
Eine Einheit versuchte, vor dem Kyosk Leute zu kesseln. Sie wurden wieder abgezogen.
30.03.2009 21:25
Mehrere Feuerwehrzüge gefolgt von zwei Feldjägerfahrzeugen fahren die Baslerstrasse Richtung Innenstadt
30.03.2009 23:25
The demonstration is over. There is Volksküche. Food not Bombs
30.03.2009 23:12
Cops of the Police Department Biberach control cars and threatening people close to the KTS
31.03.2009 00:29
Legal aid update: A total of 5 persons are known which are in detention. Three caught at the demo. Two caught on the way to the demo. Two people are back out. Another person will be out at 6:00
31.03.2009 20:32
A car carrying kitchen materials to the camp in Strasbourg pulled over around 1 pm at the A35 Lauterburg border crossing, searched and sent back. The reason: the police database has the driver listed as a member of the left radical group Black Block
31.03.2009 13:47
Am Dienstag Morgen haben die Bullen ca. 40km vor Strasbourg Leute gefilzt und wollte Fahnen beschlagnahmen
31.03.2009 14:48
Der von französischer Seite zurückgeschickte und auf deutscher Seite durchsuchte Küchenwagen ist immer noch nicht über die Grenze gekommen
01.04.2009 16:20
The assembly at europe bridge is over. The cars could enter but some people had to stay on the german side
01.04.2009 17:12
[Border] Intensified police controls at the border crossing Lauterbourg
01.04.2009 17:55
[Border] The border crossing at Breisach is open
01.04.2009 18:11
[Border] Now there are strict controls at the border crossing Breisach
01.04.2009 18:40
[Border] More and more news are coming in about the police forbidding people to cross the border. The Europabrüce in Kehl is difficult to cross and occasionally closed.
01.04.2009 18:53
[Camp] Dawn on the Camp: A lot of people arrive. The atmosphere is great!
01.04.2009 20:53
[Border] A bus coming from Freiburg with around 30 people was stopped at the border since 17:30 in Breisach by German police. Further controls took place, some people were refused entry.
01.04.2009 21:10
[Strasbourg] At the molodoi there is food and the movie "the fourth world war is beeing shown. The athmosphere is good...
01.04.2009 21:13
[Border] The bus coming from Freiburg was able to drive on, another car was also stopped. Several travel bans were issued due to Interpol data
01.04.2009 22:52
[Border] [Freiburg] Many of those turned away at the border are coming to the AZ KTS. The KTS has decreasing capacities. A coordination-plenary will take place tomorrow at 12:00 in order to plan further actions.
01.04.2009 23:53
[Border] Some of the Le Sabot people are now free. They are waiting by the Esso gas station on the Hautstrasse, for the last 2 who are still in custody.
02.04.2009 11:31
IndyRadio in German, English and French from 12 - 2 pm on stream.giss.tv:8000/antinato.mp3.m3u
02.04.2009 12:32
Das Legal Team meldet, dass inzwischen alle Gefangenen freigelassen wurden
02.04.2009 13:26
[Grenze] Für heute sind dem Legal Team noch keine Ein- und Ausreiseverweigerungen bekannt.
02.04.2009 13:37
3:30 pm Place Kleber: Solidaritydemonstration because of the dead person in London; Meeting point at the Camp 3pm
02.04.2009 13:44
[border] The border crossing at Strasbourg South can be crossed at the moment
02.04.2009 14:03
[Camp] Leute machen sich auf den Weg zur Demo
02.04.2009 14:08
[Grenze] 1 niederländischer Koch der Gruppe Le Sabot darf AUSreisen. 2 deutsche KöchInnen nicht. Über die EINreise entscheiden die französischen Behörden Morgen. Es wird sich um den Aufbau eines Infopunkts mit Vokü und Anwaltsnotdienst in Kehl bemüht.
02.04.2009 14:14
[Camp] Update: at least 3000 people have arrived, the police are keeping a low profile, the mood is positive
02.04.2009 14:39
[Border] At the moment there are no controls at the Saarbrücken border crossing
02.04.2009 14:47
[Strasbourg] 30 Buses of the Garde Mobile (Riot Cops) are now driving from Place de la Bourse to Place Kleber
02.04.2009 15:14
[Strasbourg] Unauthorized demo in solidarity with g-20 protests starting at 15:30 at Place Kleber. Heavy police presence already.
02.04.2009 15:27
10 German army buses heading towards the Kehl border in the direction of France. Massive controls, also for those coming into Germany. Large police presence on both sides of the border.
02.04.2009 15:32
[Camp] [Strasbourg] 1500-2000 people begin to march from the camp to the city of Strasbourg. Demo is black, in a good mood, relaxed
02.04.2009 15:34
[Strasbourg] 15 police buses at the Place de Lattre de Tassigny
02.04.2009 15:51
[Strasbourg] The demo is going towards the center from Neuhof. Little police. 500 people, more people joining
02.04.2009 16:07
[Strasbourg] The largest part of the demo is masked and has just passed a military base. Most windows are smashed and graffitied. 2 helicopters around, but no police.
02.04.2009 16:13
[Strasbourg] 40 large police vans with blue lights drivign towards the demo. 4 Bulldozers and 2 water cannons are on their way south
02.04.2009 16:13
[Strasbourg] Police blockade at the Bus station Neudorf Polygone (Busse Nr. 14 und Nr. 24) in direction of the Camp/Rails. The police are armed (helmets, batons, shields...), also many armed civil cops present
02.04.2009 16:16
[Strasbourg] At the tram station Saint Christoph ca. 30 Clowns were not allowed to get on the tram.
02.04.2009 16:23
[Strasbourg] 20 demonstrantors arrested
02.04.2009 16:25
[Strasbourg] 2 Wasserwerfen unterwegs zur Demo. 6 Wasserwerfer unterwegs zum Camp!
02.04.2009 16:26
Place Kleber, 16 Uhr 50 Polizisten ziehen wieder ab. Die Demo kam hier nie an.
02.04.2009 16:27
[Strasbourg] Etwa 600 Meters hinter der Demo sammeln sich Riot-Bullen
02.04.2009 16:36
[Strasbourg] 6 Wasserwerfer sind aus dem Comisariat gefahren.
02.04.2009 16:44
[Strasbourg] Police is making a blockade au stade de menau. Demo continues to move.
02.04.2009 16:45
[Strasbourg] Pont Suchar blocked by police
02.04.2009 16:54
[Strasbourg] The bridge suchar is blocked by the police.
02.04.2009 16:55
[Strasbourg] 500 Leute gehen vom Camp in Richtung Innenstadt. Viele Polizeisperren, die Demo sucht nach Durchgängen
02.04.2009 16:58
[Strasbourg]The police block the route de la federation and the square de la aiguillage
02.04.2009 17:24
[Strasbourg] Cops attack in Neuhof. Demo dispersed
02.04.2009 17:26
13:55pm: Police have now left Convergence Center Rampart, there are no police left in the building or on the roof. Last few searches are occuring outside. More info: http://london.indymedia.org.uk/articles/1005
02.04.2009 17:26
[London] 13:55: The police has left the Convergence Center Rampart, there are now no policemen in the building or on the roof. There are last searches outside. More informations: http://london.indymedia.org.uk/articles/1005
02.04.2009 17:43
[Strasbourg] the demonstrations are arriving at the camp back.The black block was sourrounded and is now fenced.
02.04.2009 17:59
[Strasbourg] Route Altenheim, crossing Roue de la Redud: 6 person (two women and four men) were arrested
02.04.2009 18:02
17:30: On the corner of Avenu de Neuhof and Rue Solignac the black block is trapped; this is very close to the attacked military installation Pictures: http://linksunten.indymedia.org/node/2490
02.04.2009 18:13
[Strasbourg] Busses and trams don't move any more.A taxi back from Molodoi to the camp costs 20 Euro for 3 person and extra taxes for the fourth person and back bags.
02.04.2009 18:32
[Strasbourg] Around the rue de callier the police is shooting lots of teargas
02.04.2009 18:36
[Strasbourg] Legal Team Strasbourg expects about 300 arrested people near the camp
02.04.2009 18:41
[Strasbourg] Some people were arrested in the forest behind the medicaltent in the camp
02.04.2009 18:45
[Strasbourg] ca. 80 people are closed in at the port autonome de strasbourg
02.04.2009 18:49
[Strasbourg]the police is acting with dogs against protesters in the wood near the camp
02.04.2009 18:57
[Strasbourg] There are battles in the vicinity of the forest. About 40 arrests according to reports. The demonstrators can't return to the camp.
02.04.2009 19:02
Als Festnahmegrund wurde DemonstrantInnen von PolizistInnen "bewaffneter Aufstand" genannt. Damit dürften die Sicherheitskräfte Antiterrorgesetze anwenden, ohne Bezug auf die tatsächlichen Taten zu nehmen.
02.04.2009 19:04
[Strasbourg] ca. 300-400 person are sourrounded in the north of the forrest. The lawyers are on their way!
02.04.2009 19:06
[Camp] Police is using tear-gas in the east of of the camp. Activists spread to defend important points. 2 helicopters are circling over the camp. The atmosphere inside the camp is untroubled.
02.04.2009 19:10
[Strasbourg] 10 people were arrested near General Motors. There are some injured persons
02.04.2009 19:13
Those people who weren't allowed to leave Germany yesterday and filed a complaint can now pass (court decision). Please fill in the form for the complaint -> legal team (frontpage banner)
02.04.2009 19:18
[Strasbourg]Police use teargas at infopoint in the camp. The tents of the medics were attacked.
02.04.2009 19:19
[linksunten] The caching system of linksunten is repaired. Make media, make trouble!
02.04.2009 19:21
[Strasbourg] Cops are coming from two sides towards the camp
02.04.2009 19:22
[Baden-Baden] In Baden-Baden a demonstration with 200 people is going on. Lots of police, many cars of politicians.
02.04.2009 19:30
[Strasbourg] On "place gutenberg" are a lot of cops with tents and friefighters
02.04.2009 19:45
[Camp] The camp was not attacked,cops didn't move over the campborder.But cops forced demonstrators to move into the camp and used teargas.
02.04.2009 20:00
[Strasbourg] 50 Persons are surrounded by the police in Rue des Cailles. They are hancuffed with cable straps (always two perons) and one perosn was brought into a Military jeep.
02.04.2009 20:40
[Baden-Baden] the info-point is builded, ther's a small place for connecting people who need a place to sleep; it's an info-point for people who can't get over the border; there's a picket and lots of cops; the cops control the people;people are dancing
02.04.2009 20:42
[Strasbourg] Orange and Red Zone are cut off with fences, only persons with passports are allowed to enter. Police is present in great numbers and even some military.
02.04.2009 20:45
[Straßbourg] Transit at train-station at Kehl was stopped for 20minutes; people were scanned and some were arrested
02.04.2009 20:46
[Strasbourg] 90 arrests in the inner city of Strassbourg at the moment
02.04.2009 20:56
100 activists are captured in the east of the forrest.100 m east of the camp people are in a battle with 300-400 cops, cops are shotting teargas & rubber bullet.The people defend themselfs with stones, firework and burning barricades.
02.04.2009 21:05
[Strasbourg] On the north side of the camp cops started several water cannons up.Constantly helicopters are flying over the camp.
02.04.2009 21:09
[Strasbourg] The orange and red zone was activated
02.04.2009 21:32
[Camp] The police left the camp
02.04.2009 21:53
[Kehl] From now there is a legal protest-action on the market near the church. There is an infopoint with coffee, tea, cake and info about how to deal with the denials to enter France. No police-controls over there
02.04.2009 22:32
Various buses with the arrested have driven to Germany from France
02.04.2009 22:50
[Strasbourg] According to the legal team Strasbourg a journalist's head was seriously injured by a flashbang-rubber bullet.
03.04.2009 04:37
[Border] Only two cops control peoples IDs and luggage at the border crossing in Breisach. But they only care about the traffic from France not to France. ;)
03.04.2009 08:56
[Baden Baden] Meetingpoint for the demonstration is the train station from 11h onwards, start of the demo at 13h. Info-phone: +49- (0)1578 1441 145; some bans ("Platzverweise") have been issued.
03.04.2009 09:42
[Baden Baden] most recent information under +49 (0)1522 455 1075.
03.04.2009 09:46
[Baden-Baden] 50 people at the infopoint, directly accross from them c. 250 cops, with even more in the surroundings. There are massive controls from and to the infopoint.
03.04.2009 10:05
[Baden-Baden] There are cop controls in the larger sourroundings, but the train station can still be accessed.
03.04.2009 10:27
[Baden-Baden] People who are dressed in dark colours and/or walking in groups get controlled and searched. Bans ("Platzverweise") are being issued.
03.04.2009 10:29
[Baden-Baden] There are no water cannons at the train station.
03.04.2009 10:33
[Camp] Everything is fine, there is a plenum at 11.
03.04.2009 10:39
[Strasbourg] the Convergence Center at the Molodoi is now open.
03.04.2009 10:40
A5: No controls on the Raststätte Mahlberg between Freiburg and Lahr, many police columns on the highway.
03.04.2009 10:44
[Strasbourg] Nearly all of the 300 people arrested yesterday have been let go at this point.
03.04.2009 10:54
[Baden-Baden] A bus from berlin was stopped by police. The people were searched down to their underwear.
03.04.2009 10:58
[Baden-Baden] At the train station there are around 100 people
03.04.2009 11:10
[Border] Border crossing Schieltigheim is completely blocked
03.04.2009 11:11
[Border] Ferry in Kappel-Grafenhausen and the crossing in Nonnenweiher are completely blocked
03.04.2009 11:14
[Border] Crossing in Marckolsheim is still open
03.04.2009 11:24
[Border] The bus from Berlin which was stopped for a long time at the Iffezheim crossing was able to go over the border into France
03.04.2009 11:27
Train connections to and from Strasbourg are paralyzed for the weekend according to the German Railway Service. Connections to and from Colmar and Basel should work fine.
03.04.2009 11:41
No controls on the B3 between Achern and Baden-Baden from the exit Sinsheim. The portion of A5 (Offenburg-Kehl), Europa bridge and B3 Sinsheim- Baden-Baden are marked as blocked for today and tomorrow
03.04.2009 11:52
[Baden-Baden] Currently 250 people on-site. Still possible to get into the demo.
03.04.2009 11:58
[Baden-Baden] Large numbers of controls at the Baden-Baden Station. The demonstration starts soon. Many cops from many different regions surround the demonstration.
03.04.2009 12:03
[Strasbourg] The Convegence centre Molodoi is and will stay open
03.04.2009 12:14
[Strasbourg] According to the electronic schedules no buses or trains running till 17:00
03.04.2009 12:29
[Baden-Baden] B3 Steinbach entry was not being controlled at 12:20. Tip: At Sinsheim take the tram.
03.04.2009 12:33
[Baden-Baden] The demo has begun with around 300 people. Huge scale controls. Personal data of the demo self-organized security has been taken down.
03.04.2009 12:58
[Baden-Baden] The loud speaker truck for the demo was not allowed to cross into Germany
03.04.2009 13:07
[Border] There are controls at Wintersdorf, but people can go through
03.04.2009 13:22
[Baden-Baden] The demo restrictions have been read. Tying banners together, blocking streets, hoodies, face paints and water pistols are banned. Clowns, Infernal Noise Brigade and Sambasta need to keep 1,50m distance from the police units
03.04.2009 13:35
[Camp]At 14h there will be an information event organised by Block NATO about the planned blockades. Affinity groups planning to join the action can get in touch here +33-671845345
03.04.2009 13:39
[Baden-Baden] The black-colourful demo is now walking. Around 400 people, a lot of police but still at a distance
03.04.2009 13:54
[Strasbourg] A lot of police in front and around the Molodoi. Around 1 hour ago a group of 50 people was controlled by police and then accompanied by them to the Molodoi
03.04.2009 14:20
EA Strasbourg: Vorwürfe gegen die Verhafteten lauten "bewaffnetes gemeinsames Auftreten", "willkürliche Zerstörung", in Einzelfällen "Widerstand gegen die Staatsgewalt"
03.04.2009 14:28
[Grenze] Zwischen Dienstag und heute 14:00 Uhr wurden ca. 35 Leute in Kehl mit Ausreiseverboten (z.T. kombiniert mit Einreiseverboten) belegt
03.04.2009 14:42
[Baden-Baden] Around 500 people demonstrating. One row of cops around the demo, until now peaceful
03.04.2009 14:47
[Kehl] The info-point at the Marktplatz (market place, near the read zone) is still open.
03.04.2009 15:21
[Strasbourg] There are policecontrols on the southern bridges of downtown. Pedestrians have to show their documents and need a reason for enter the city.
03.04.2009 15:25
[border] Four Policevans with german cops on the border in Breisach. All cars with more then several people inside non-local numberplates get controlled. In general the border is open.
03.04.2009 15:30
[Baden-Baden] The demo soon reaches Bernhardusplatz on the border of downtown, where the final speeches will be held. The square is completely fenced in and a lot of shops put wooden barricaedds in front of their windows.
03.04.2009 15:36
[Baden-Baden] The demo decided not to go into the fenced area and is doing a sit in now at the Rheinstrasse.
03.04.2009 15:37
[Border] Crossing Neuenburg is open
03.04.2009 15:50
[Baden-Baden] The demo is still refusing to continue to the fenced square. There are plenty of Military and transportation helicopters.
03.04.2009 15:56
[Border] At the border "Rheinau" the police confiscated jackets because they could be used for disguises. The people can get their jackets back at the police station.
03.04.2009 16:01
[Strasbourg] 70 Clowns on bus station "Saint Christoph" blocked by cops. 2 water tanks, at least one of them in use. Tear gas attacts and flash granades
03.04.2009 16:12
[Baden-Baden] The demo witch approx. 250 personen decided to enter the fenced square. There is no closed police circle.
03.04.2009 16:18
[Strasbourg] At Tram Station "Neuhof" - "Rudolf Reuss" are 50 Riotcops.
03.04.2009 16:22
[Baden-Baden] At least one person has been arrested at the manifestation in Baden-Baden today
03.04.2009 16:43
[Strasbourg] The clown army returned to the Camp. There are still water cannons at the tram station in front of the military barracks
03.04.2009 16:46
[Strasbourg] Cops block entrance of camp
03.04.2009 16:52
[Strasbourg] water canons are going in direction of the camp
03.04.2009 16:54
[Border] There are controls at the train bridge in Wintersdorf/Beinheim but it's open. Crossing Iffezheim is closed. Ferry boat in Greffern closed until monday. Rheinau/Gambsheim open with controls. Crossing Neuenburg open
03.04.2009 16:56
[Camp] Today at 5 pm there will be a antirepression demo starting from the camp
03.04.2009 16:59
[Camp] Police is 30m away from the Camp in the rue ganzau. The Black Block gathers and wants to leave. There is tear gas.
03.04.2009 17:08
[Camp] Cops are blocking the two main entrances of the Camp and are confronted by several hundred people. Explosions of . The cops have water cannons and 3 helicopters
03.04.2009 17:10
[Baden-Baden] People have been able to leave Baden-Baden without being controlled.
03.04.2009 17:44
[Camp] Cops beruhigen sich und ziehen sich leicht zurück
03.04.2009 17:45
[Strasbourg] Cars can't come through the Rue Romain towards station. Pedestrians come through. Cops blockade
03.04.2009 17:49
All SMS text messages to +49 151 59031944 will be published instantly at http://linksunten.indymedia.org/en/rumour
03.04.2009 18:00
[Camp] Cops sind wieder sehr nah am Camp. Es laufen Verhandlungen. Es wird überlegt, Strohballen anzuzünden. Seit einer Weile kein Tränengas mehr.
03.04.2009 18:04
[Strasbourg] Spanisch delegation is on their way to Baden-Baden
03.04.2009 18:07
[Grenze] Der Übergang Rheinau war um 17:00 Uhr offen, mit Kontrollen
03.04.2009 18:10
[Strasbourg] 5 Militaryhelicopters circeling close to the Molodoi
03.04.2009 18:12
[Strasbourg] Tram-Lines b and c are working already, at least downtown
03.04.2009 18:16
[Camp] Straw is burning at the camp. Water Tanks are there to kill the fire. Negotiations with the police.
03.04.2009 18:20
[Camp] The Camp can be reached by little sidestreets without controls.
03.04.2009 18:21
The A35 from Strasbourg to Kehl is closed for civil traffic. The canadian delegation left at 6:10 pm from around the train station in Strasbourg to Baden-Baden.
03.04.2009 18:27
[Border] Breisach border crossing is calm, cops are there but haven't checked anyone in the last half an our.
03.04.2009 18:30
[border] border crossing at Gambsheim- Rheinau, 15 km north of Kehl without problems
03.04.2009 18:34
[Strasbourg] Awacs-Airplanes have been seen above Strasbourg
03.04.2009 18:39
[Camp] Several injured people in front of the Camp. They are still shooting Flashbang/shock-granade. Situation is tense.
03.04.2009 18:40
[Kehl] [Grenze] Bullen checken ankommende Züge direkt am Gleis. Ausweiskontrollen, Durchsuchungen. Grenzübergang zeitweise offen, vereinzelte Einreiseverbote.
03.04.2009 18:45
[Baden-Baden] One person was set free, two others where arrested.
03.04.2009 18:50
[Strasbourg] At 6:30 pm there were still trains from Appenweiher arriving in Strasbourg Train Station. At the train station, its relatively calm.
03.04.2009 18:57
[Border] A35 south of Gambsheim in direction Strasburg is entirely closed. Lots of military troops.
03.04.2009 19:13
[Camp] The situation calmed down, the barricades stopped burning, the Cops retreated, you can leave and enter the camp.
03.04.2009 19:27
[Camp] The medics report 20 lightly injured persons after the incidends in the afternoon..The situation in the camp is calm right now
03.04.2009 19:44
[Strasbourg] There will be no Dissent! blocade tomorrow morning. Despite rumours Dissent! never planned any blockade.
03.04.2009 19:59
[Camp] anouncement of the police towards the camp: if bigger groups leave the camp till 11a.m. (that are like a demonstration), the police will react like today
03.04.2009 20:04
[Kehl] The Infopoint in Kehl is still at "Marktplatz" and is happy about visitors which could not cross the border.. There is Coffee; Tea and Bread.
03.04.2009 20:11
[Camp] Many people currently arriving. No controls. Police at distance from the camp. Barricades and campfires.
03.04.2009 20:15
[Strasbourg] This afternoon clowns played with the cops so the cops forced them back to the camp which ended with shock- and teargas grenades. After negotiations the cops left and the situation calmed down
03.04.2009 20:37
[Camp] Plenum at 9 pm
03.04.2009 20:39
[Strasbourg] The orange zone is like announced closed. On the canal there are police boats patrouling. Outside of the orange zone is few police, no problems to move
03.04.2009 20:43
[Strasbourg] Public transport is running but unfrequent
03.04.2009 21:08
[Border] there are police controls close to Sasbach/Marckolsheim but just few cars
03.04.2009 21:08
[Border] there are police controls close to Sasbach/Marckolsheim but just few cars
03.04.2009 21:17
[Strasbourg] Between Strasburger downtown and camp are hardly any cops. From time to time they controll cars. Little groups of people are free to move
03.04.2009 21:40
[Strasbourg] Other then so far assumed there are no regulations for clothing tomorow at the blockades. everyone could wear as he/she likes
03.04.2009 21:53
[Strasbourg] Meeting Point for actions of civillian disobediance: Sa, 4.4.2009, 6 am Université Marc Bloch, Rue de l'Université. more info at http://www.block-nato.org/index.htm
03.04.2009 21:55
[Strasbourg] Infotelephone of Block NATO for saturday 4.4. (active from the early morning hours): +49-1577-1386024
03.04.2009 22:26
[Strasbourg] Supplement for the starting point of the demo: It looks like a truck parking with strong spotlights, qround the area is a fence of approx. 2m, which was not build just for the demo
03.04.2009 23:20
[Strasbourg] meeting point of Demo 13h Jardins des Deux Rives. Demoroute dicated by police was accepted by the ICC. There will be an anticapitalist block. The demo will move through the harbour neighbourhood.
04.04.2009 00:15
[Camp] A black BMW R1100 GS (Motorbike) with a KA numberplate was stolen at the capsite. It belongs to a comrade and must be found. Keep your eyes open. If you got Information please call Legal Team Freiburg +49 (0) 761 4097251
04.04.2009 01:07
[Border] Border at Nonneweiher: closed. Border Kappel-Grafenhausen: closed. Border Marckolsheim: open, controls on german and french side, No personal control, they just look in the car
04.04.2009 01:11
[Border] Border Breisach: open, controls just on the german side, checking ID cards, cops just have a look in the car, cars leaving Germany are sometimes scanned
04.04.2009 01:56
[Border] Border Basel St. Louis: Coach stopped, approx. 40 people checked and rejected. Green border near this place can be crossed without controls.
04.04.2009 02:12
[Border] The coach from Switzerland which was rejected at St Louis succeeded to cross the border somewhere else.
04.04.2009 04:12
[Strasbourg] The police mqkes checkpoints between the Camp and the city, corner rue de la ganzau/rue de jesuite (with ID check) and a smaller one at corner rue de la ganzau/rue de la faisanderie, where they just check
04.04.2009 04:14
[Strasbourg] The police took away and destroyed the bycicle of one scout.
04.04.2009 04:18
[Strasbourg] verhy heavy controls in Rue Chatenois and Parking ED. "Parking ED" it s a supermarket in Rue Ganzau close to the camp (corne Rue du Pont Schuhhansen)
04.04.2009 04:26
[Strasbourg] Thousands of demonstrators move from the camp to the city. Just in the Rue Welsch qre more then 600 people. It s getting started...
04.04.2009 04:33
[Strasbourg] Zwei Demonstrationszüge vom Camp unterwegs zu Blockaden. 400 im IL-Zug auf dem Weg in die Innenstadt. Keine Cops, dafür Heli
04.04.2009 04:34
[Strasbourg] A demonstration moves through the Rue des Hirondelles
04.04.2009 04:35
[Kehl] Entry and Exit Refusals continue sometimes even without reason and sometimes with really strange reasons. So far Kehl is a hotspot for that.
04.04.2009 04:37
[Strasbourg] Die straßburger Brücken bei "park de citadel" sind für Menschen gespert. Aber die "Linie e" fährt umsonst und unkontrolliert über eine der Brücken. In 5 Minuten
04.04.2009 04:54
[Strasbourg] ca. 2000 auf dem Weg vom Camp richtung Stadt. Rue de Vanneux (Stadion) ist von den Bullen gesperrt worden
04.04.2009 04:58
[Strasbourg] Tränengaseinsatz am Ende der Rue Tortu, 5-7 Schüsse mit mehreren Gascontainerelementen. Die DemonstrantInnen setzen Gasmasken und Helme auf
04.04.2009 04:58
[Strasbourg] avenue de colmar ist auf höhe der Brücke (rue Lazaret) von den Cops blockiert
04.04.2009 05:01
[Strasbourg] At the center of the city there are a lot of vehicles of police cars in patrol. They arrest all the people who were only black
04.04.2009 05:01
[Strasbourg] Bullen am Ende der Rue du Rhin Tortu gasen die Straße ein, viele Helikopter. Die Demo zieht sich Richtung Süden zurück
04.04.2009 05:03
[Strasbourg] The street Rue Vanneu is completely blocked
04.04.2009 05:04
[Strasbourg] Orange-Zone in der Innenstadt ist offen. pont de l'hopital, pont de la bourse und pont de l'austerlitz sind offen.
04.04.2009 05:05
[Strasbourg] demo has partly disolved itself, a big part is in the Route de la Meinau in the "Banlieue"
04.04.2009 05:07
[Strasbourg] The rue de la montagne verte and the rue de la plaine des bouchers: no police at all, the track is free
04.04.2009 05:12
[Grenze] Brücke "quai mathis": selektive autokontrollen anonsten frei!
04.04.2009 05:14
[Strasbourg] Teargas thrown against 15 people who wanted to pass behind the Stade de la Meinau
04.04.2009 05:23
[Strasbourg] Shielded police cars go direction Meinau
04.04.2009 05:26
[Strasbourg] Allein den letzten 10 Minuten fuhren insgesamt 40 Polizeibusse am IMC-Strasbourg (bvd de lyon] in nördlicher Richtung vorbei.
04.04.2009 05:26
[Strasbourg] demonstration stopped at Rue du rhin tortu melt down to 200 people, going through Route de la fédération. groups try to get into the city over la Meinau, Neuhof and Neudorf.
04.04.2009 05:34
[Strasbourg] IL-track splitted after cs-gas attack. small groups heading to city centre. two helicopters and civil cops accompany the track.
04.04.2009 05:36
[Strasbourg] several teargas at the Avenu de Colmar and the railway
04.04.2009 05:44
[Strasbourg] In the Rue de la plaine des bouchers are several injured after a teargas attack
04.04.2009 05:46
[Strasbourg] Now even small groups get attacked with teargas
04.04.2009 05:55
[Strasbourg] Checkpoint to "Orange Zone" at the Rue des Bouchers is open
04.04.2009 05:58
[Strasbourg] avenue robertsau: 20 police cars, avenue des vosges: 14 CRS-cars heading north
04.04.2009 06:01
[Strasbourg] Several Demonstrations tried to reach downtown from the south and are attacked with teargas. Police fighs them back.
04.04.2009 06:01
[Strasbourg] Acces roads are closed. A group of 200 managed to break through the blocades. Still shooting teargas. Calm mood inside the demonstratio ngroup
04.04.2009 06:10
[Strasbourg] 150 activists already passed the Rue de Neuhof
04.04.2009 06:10
[Strasbourg] 150 activists already passed the Rue de Neuhof
04.04.2009 06:13
[Strasbourg] Molodoi is open as from now. meeting and information point for infos, medics, legal team and to relax.
04.04.2009 06:24
[Strasbourg] An der uni sind Leute mit Bussen angekommen. Rund 200 Demonstranten sind über die Gleise zur Uni gelaufen. Die Züge die nicht durchgekommen sind versuchens es jetzt mit anderen Möglichkeiten.
04.04.2009 06:25
[Border] There are still 10 Persons with "restraining orders"/"bans" and entry denials in Altenheim
04.04.2009 06:32
[Strasbourg] 150-200 people at the BLOCK NATO-meeting point at the university
04.04.2009 06:33
[Strasbourg] 150-200 people at the meeting point of Block NATO at the university (Rue de l' Universite). situation is calm. people from the camp are on their way to support the blockade
04.04.2009 06:34
[Strasbourg] empty polics cars at the main station!
04.04.2009 06:36
[Strasbourg] Mehrere sehr heftige Tränengaseinsätze rund um das Stade de Meinau. Die Bullen greifen an!
04.04.2009 06:37
[Strasbourg] police arrived at the university. BLOCK NATO decided not to wait anymore for the people from the camp and beginning their blockade right now.
04.04.2009 06:37
[Strasbourg] 8 Personen in Kehl haben bis zum 05.04 Einreiseverbot für F und CH von Dt
04.04.2009 06:39
[Strasbourg] There are 10 CRS Cars at the Rue de la universite. People start with the blocade
04.04.2009 06:44
[Strasbourg] demo started at the university. they got instantly hit by tear gas- and shock grenades.
04.04.2009 06:45
[Strasbourg] 150 Demonstrators, 10 CRS cars at the University the demonstrators move direction to Place de la republique
04.04.2009 06:47
[Strasbourg] Tear gas at the university
04.04.2009 06:52
[Strasbourg] 20 CRS-Busse fahren vom "rue de l' Universite" zum "Parc de l' Orangerie"
04.04.2009 06:55
[Strasbourg] there are no activists left at "Rue de l' Universite"!
04.04.2009 06:59
[Strasbourg] several blockade tracks unite. a bigger group gathers in the south east. cops are shooting tear gas at the southern border of the inner city.
04.04.2009 06:59
[Strasbourg] tear gas at "Place de l' Etoile"
04.04.2009 07:01
[Strasbourg] demonstrantors at "Parc du Contade" heading towards Wacken (france)
04.04.2009 07:05
[Strasbourg] about 50 activists are circled in the orange zone at Place Charles. police does not negotiate.
04.04.2009 07:08
[Strasbourg] the circled demonstrators at the Place Charles splitted off(without violence), heading in direction of the clownsarmy ("avenue de la paix")
04.04.2009 07:13
[Strasbourg] 400 Leute sind an den Bullensperren vorbei in der Route du Polygone in Neuhof. Die Stimmung ist kämpferisch...
04.04.2009 07:14
[Strasbourg] NATO ZU is nonviolently blocking an access road to Palais de la Musique in the northwest of strasbourg. no cops until now. good mood.
04.04.2009 07:19
[Strasbourg] Nato ZU macht eine Sitzblockade mit etwa 220 Personen an der Avenue Pierre Mendès. Bis jetzt ist alles friedlich
04.04.2009 07:20
[Strasbourg] Bridge between Kehl and Strasbourg (Europabrücke/Pont de l'Europe) passable by foot!
04.04.2009 07:21
[Strasbourg] Eine 400 Menschen große Gruppe zieht weiter durch Neuhof und ist von der Route du Polygone in die Rue de Rathsamhausen eingebogen. Antikapitalistische Parolen hallen durch die Straßen
04.04.2009 07:23
[Strasbourg] 300 activists are on the way from "Route du Polygone" to "Bourse Etoile". Go Go Go!
04.04.2009 07:24
[Strasbourg] Die Blockade von NATO ZU Ecke rue Mendes / rue de Glacier ist auf 250 Menschen angewachsen. Lage ruhig. Keine Polizei. Einige kurdische AktivistInnen sind dazu gekommen.
04.04.2009 07:25
[Strasbourg] 100 at the stop at"avenue de la paix" got circeled (at the synagoge)
04.04.2009 07:26
[Strasbourg] Blockade Avenue Pierre Mendès, Rue de la Glacière sitzen 220 Leuten friedlich auf der Straße. Soeben musste ein Auto der US-Delegation wenden
04.04.2009 07:27
[Strasburg] people are surrounded at the avenue de la paix, getting shot with rubber bullets!
04.04.2009 07:33
[border] at Altenheim, a bus is stopped sice an hour. cops are checking if the people are banned to cross the border.
04.04.2009 07:37
[Grenze] Den Leuten im Bus bei Altenheim wurde mitgeteilt, dass es noch 2 Stunden dauern wird, bis ihnen mitgeteilt wird, warum sie gegebenenfalls nicht durchdürfen .
04.04.2009 07:41
[Strasbourg] Surrounded demo at avenue de la paix: police is provocing and searching for confrontation. the nonviolent activists are not responding, but simply protecting their facing in case of a tear gas attack.
04.04.2009 07:49
[Strasbourg] Am Pont Churchill befindet sich mehrere hundert DemonstrantInnen. Über ihnen kreist ein deutscher Polizeihubschrauber
04.04.2009 07:55
[Strasbourg] 150 demonstrantors are heading towards Schiltigheim, another 500 towards Jean Jaures.
04.04.2009 07:59
[Strasbourg] Die Demo von der Avenue de la paix wird auf den Place de la Republique gejagt
04.04.2009 08:00
[Strasbourg] because of the cops, the people from "avenue de paix" are heading towards Place de la Republique. they're are still surrounded by cops.
04.04.2009 08:01
the bridge at the "place de la etoile"/ bourse etoile is clear now.
04.04.2009 08:04
[Strasbourg] 19 cop cars pushing the Block NATO protesters towards Place de la Republique
04.04.2009 08:15
[Strasbourg] Die Leute von der Avenue de la paix gehen nun auf der Avenue de Vosges/Avenue de Alsace
04.04.2009 08:19
[Strasbourg] Die Demonstranten der "lila Blockade" befinden sich an der rue alfred kastler und kommen nicht in die Innenstadt. Viel Tränengas, keine Verhaftungen
04.04.2009 08:20
[Strasbourg] 150-200 activists fromBlock NATO are at the corner avenue de la paix / avenue des Vosges . Samba is playing. Lots of media. The mood is good.
04.04.2009 08:30
[Strasbourg] the message has been passed that one hour ago a bank at Polygone street has been smashed
04.04.2009 08:33
[Strasbourg] Nato ZU blockade (civil disobedience): currently 200 people, peaceful mood, police are starting to arrive from the city centre.
04.04.2009 08:35
[Strasbourg] Dozens of tear gas canisters in Rue Edmond Michelet (a fighter of the Résistance in WWII) against 700 leftists, small barricades were built. A lot of media. Medics and a ARD-team (german TV station) were attacked with tear gas.
04.04.2009 08:40
[Strasbourg] Blockade Pierre Mendès: peaceful. Two dozen cops have positioned themselves 100 metres away
04.04.2009 08:40
[Strasbourg] The BlockNato group is keeping up their blockade at avenue de la paix und avenue des vosges even though they are surrounded by police. Around 350 protesters are there.
04.04.2009 08:42
[Strasbourg] Tear gas was used in rue landsberg, south of route du rhin.
04.04.2009 08:46
[Border] The border at Altenheim is currently a bad spot for buses. Two buses are currently still stuck there.
04.04.2009 08:47
[Strasbourg] 200 people with a Sambaband have been blockading Avenue des Vosges for 1.5 hours, accompanied by a lot of media.
04.04.2009 08:52
[Border] The border at Altenheim is currently a bad spot for buses. Two buses are currently still stuck there.
04.04.2009 08:53
[Strasbourg] Place Haguenau: Some access roads have been blocked by cops, especially Rue Jacques Kablé
04.04.2009 08:54
[Strasbourg] A french water canon is at Rue Edmond Michelet across from Rue du Landsberg
04.04.2009 08:55
[Strasbourg] place haguenau: currently open: rue adele and rue riton
04.04.2009 08:58
[Strasbourg] Around 400 people are surrounded by cops on three side on the rue vosges. The southern side is open. You can still get there.
04.04.2009 09:00
[Strasbourg] No public transport available anymore in Strasbourg
04.04.2009 09:04
[Border] Four buses from Berlin are in Gambsheim-Rheinau and are being searched. Three buses have already been searched and 13 people were taken off the bus; it is unclear what's happening with them.
04.04.2009 09:08
[Strasbourg] Zwei Wasserwerfer des BGS an der Synagoge
04.04.2009 09:12
[Strasbourg] The police have asked the peacful blockade of NATO ZU to disband, otherwise they would be attacked. The activists have decided to stay and are preparing for an attack.
04.04.2009 09:16
[Strasbourg] An angry crowd of 1000 people leaves Neudorf for Kehl. The colours of the protest range from 'drak-rainbow' to black
04.04.2009 09:18
[Strasbourg] block pierre mendes: 30 people with kurdish flag spontaneously join the the blockades.
04.04.2009 09:21
[Border] 13 people were refused entry of the bus which was stopped at Altenheim
04.04.2009 09:25
[Strasbourg] Block NATO announces a mobile blockade with 500 people near Pont Vauban / route du Rhin. Block NATO people are gathering there, who didn't make it into the city centre.
04.04.2009 09:26
[Border] The people who were refused entry into France can join the demonstration in Kehl later on and cross the border with the demo
04.04.2009 09:34
[Strasbourg] An der Route du Rhin, süd-östlich der Innenstadt, blockiert eine Reihe Zivibullen mit Teleskopschlagstöcken und Helmen den Weg der Autonomen
04.04.2009 09:40
[Strasbourg] Place de l'etoile is surrounded by cops
04.04.2009 09:43
[Strasbourg] [Kehl] The most expensive picture of the year is being taken - the NATO photoshooting at des deux Rives. At the same time, the city is covered with tear gas.
04.04.2009 09:44
[Border] Crossing at Breisach: People's details are being checked but they are not searched on the german side
04.04.2009 09:46
[Strasbourg] There is a barricade consisting of 7 busses in Rue des Cantades.
04.04.2009 09:49
[Border] 80 people are held by police in Auenheim (north of Kehl).
04.04.2009 09:53
[Camp] Around 1000 people are gathering in the camp to form a new demonstration
04.04.2009 09:56
[Strasbourg] The motorway exit 4 "Place da l`Etoile" from Route de l`Hopital is still open, you can still get to the city centre this way
04.04.2009 09:57
[Strasbourg] 30 ambulances and fire brigade trucks are on their way to Quai Louis Pasteur
04.04.2009 10:11
[Strasbourg] The crowd at Route du Rhin has been scattered by tear gas. Smaller groups moving through Neudorf
04.04.2009 10:11
[Strasbourg] NATO ZU is still blocking, the cops have not intervened yet. A lot of press at the place.
04.04.2009 10:16
[Strasbourg] Pont Austerlitz is closed, accesible only by special pass; not much police but they change sides of road to control people. Not many people
04.04.2009 10:19
[Strasbourg] Block NATO announces that it is possible to go to the centre in groups of 2. goal: regroup at place de la Republique.
04.04.2009 10:22
[Border] A bus (public transport) is searched at Auenheim (north of Kehl) and all occupants are fotographed. The police are looking for potential protesters.
04.04.2009 10:23
[Camp] Around 600 people are now leaving the camp. They want to join the manifestation, not the blockades.
04.04.2009 10:25
[Strasbourg] Everything is calm in Avenue de la Paix ist es ruhig. People are blockading and demonstrating
04.04.2009 12:07
[Kehl] The peace-train from NRW (northern german district) has been waiting for 10 mins 20 kms out of Kehl. A blue paddy wagon is watching the train. The journey is supposed to continue in 5-10 mins.
04.04.2009 10:33
[Border] Everyone who was searched on the bus at Auenheim was allowed to keep going.
04.04.2009 10:37
[Kehl] The "peace train" from NRW with around 900 people is on its way. Expected arrival in Kehl at 10:45.
04.04.2009 10:37
[Strasbourg] 90 people are coming from Place de la Bourse and going in the direction of Route du Rhin - Pont Vauban
04.04.2009 10:44
[Strasbourg] Outside of the orange/red zone, nothing happens in the city centre. Cops and army are on the way. No ID checks/seaches, one can move around
04.04.2009 10:46
[Strasbourg] [Strasbourg] THE NATO-ZU blockade still stands with around 150 people, police are in the whole area.
04.04.2009 10:50
[Strasbourg] The blockade at Pont Vauban has reformed after a tear gas attack. Concussion grenades were used after that, one person suffered light injuries
04.04.2009 10:54
[Strasbourgh] A busload of greek comrades has arrived at Pont Vauban. The weather is good, the mood is good, rebellion is in the air
04.04.2009 10:56
[Strasbourg] A large intersection (Avenue Jean Jaures - Avenue Aristide Birand) is blocked by the cops behind the blockade at Pont Vauban
04.04.2009 11:12
[Strasbourg] Block NATO reports, that the police won't let residents with passing papers into the orange zone.
04.04.2009 11:13
[Kehl] The manifestation in Kehl starts with around 3000 people. Cops from several different federal states of germany are at the place.
04.04.2009 11:13
[Strasbourg] The cops attack the blockade with a couple of thousand activists at Pont Vauban with tear gas. The people want to march east.
04.04.2009 11:16
[Strasbourg] at Pont Vauban a surveillance camera got smashed
04.04.2009 11:23
[Camp] People are still leaving the camp in big groups to go to the demonstration starting point
04.04.2009 11:27
[Border] Near Sasbach two busses have been controlled for hours; five people are denied to leave Germany.
04.04.2009 11:30
[Strasbourg] The cops retired from the eastside of the Place de la Republique. It's possible to get to the place again from north and east.
04.04.2009 11:31
[Strasbourg] The demo-orga is willed to go into the innercity. In a big-plenum ICC and differnet groups - part of the anticapitalistic block - decided to remove cop-blocks.
04.04.2009 11:34
[Strasbourg] Block NATO reports: Cops retire from the Place de la Republique NOW.
04.04.2009 11:34
[Border] From midnight until 11.30am about 50 refusals of border-crossing were reoported to the Legal Team.
04.04.2009 11:36
[Strasbourg] The blocade at Rue de Voges is still in good mood and relaxed, people sitting on the ground. Three sides are closed Seiten, one is still open.
04.04.2009 11:39
[Strasbourg] The cops still blocks thousands from going to the demonstration at Pont Vauban. They use concussion grenades, taer-gas and grid-cars.Briks and bottles are flying.
04.04.2009 11:44
[Strasbourg] At Pont Vauban a growing number of dark-colorfull activists gets bocked from the demonstration. By now the cops use rubber bullets, teargas and concussion grenades by the minute.
04.04.2009 11:48
[Strasbourg] At Pont Vauban people get injured, autonomous medics are on the way. South of Pont Vauban is a railwaybridge!
04.04.2009 12:05
[Strasbourg] Rue de Lausanne: some french and three german water-canons (federal police)and cops. Police-helicopters in the air.
04.04.2009 12:10
[Kehl] The "Easter March" with around 1500 people has not started yet.
04.04.2009 12:15
[Strasbourg] At Pont Vauban many are injured through tear-gas, among them an autonomous medic. Autonomous medics are their and under heavy workload.
04.04.2009 12:20
[Strasbourg] An der Brücke Vauban drängt die Polizei die Menschen mit Gittern zurück. Schockgranaten im Sekundentakt, schwarzer Rauch, mind. ein Molotov, es brennt Nähe Pont Vauban. Ein Teil der Leute geht Richtung Westen durch die Route de Rhin
04.04.2009 12:32
[Strasbourg] At the Vauban bridge, police has been repushed sligthly
04.04.2009 12:33
[Strasbourg] NATO-ZU has ended the blockade in Schiltigheim with a final statement and will join the Demo
04.04.2009 12:38
[Strasbourg] The Vauban bridge is open, about 5000 people are going over the bridge towards the east. burning barrickades at the side of the street.
04.04.2009 12:45
[Strasbourg] The ELF gas-station 5àà meters behind the Vauban bridge has been pillaged and destroyed
04.04.2009 12:48
[Strasbourg] Pont Vauban is open. in the direction of the meeting point for the demo (south) the way is open. Direction centre of city (north) there is a lot of police. Ont he Europabrücke there are 10 water canons and 5 armed cars
04.04.2009 12:49
[Strasbourg] Just a part of the people are going into the enclosed area in front of the stage at the anacrusis place on the island. The rest stays outside.
04.04.2009 12:53
[Kehl] Border buildings are burning at the french side.
04.04.2009 12:54
[Strasbourg] road Rhin/Rue Budapest: a hundred police have arrived and beat on their shields. They face a 200 autonomous and a hundred pacifist protesters who arrive from that direction. 100 pacifists arrive from Neuhof
04.04.2009 13:01
[Strasbourg] Der Demobeginn wird sich voraussichtlich verzögern
04.04.2009 13:03
The Demonstration started at the meeting point 'jardins des deux rives'. The Demonstration from Kehl is moving towards european bridge. There are 13 Watercannons on the german side. A lot of people on the french side. Borderbuildings are burning.
04.04.2009 13:08
[Strasbourg] No cops on the Rhine island
04.04.2009 13:11
[Strasbourg] Auf Bruecke vauban drei reihe bullen in richtung demo, sieht aus als würden die was kesseln wollen. Route du rhin kreuzung vor brücke wird dichtgemacht
04.04.2009 13:13
[Strasbourg] [Kehl] German cops at the Europe Bridge say, they will not let anyone cross the bridge as long as situation at other side not calmes down
04.04.2009 13:17
[Strasbourg] Nach erfolgreichen Blockaden ruft Block NATO zur Teilnahme an der Internationalen Demo auf
04.04.2009 13:19
[Strasbourg] The stream is full with Policeboats. The police announces that they will use unnegociable force. Hundreds germans are assembling
04.04.2009 13:24
[Kehl] Demo wird am Überqueren der Brücke gehindert. Wasserwerfer blockieren die Straße
04.04.2009 13:28
[Border] Announcement of german police at Europe Bridge: violent actions against cops are to stop immediatly, otherwise the place will be evacuated. Mummery also has to be taken down because because of being a punishable act (in Germany).
04.04.2009 13:38
[Strasbourg] A demonstration with 150 people goes from the trainstation to the molodoi
04.04.2009 13:38
[Strasbourg] Nearby jardin des deux rives a street lamp with two observation cameras is being cut now.
04.04.2009 13:41
[Strasbourg] On the pedestrian bridge, there are no cars, but mobile units. On the Kehler site of the Europa bridge there are untill now only cops
04.04.2009 13:41
[Strasbourg] An Apothecary has been attacked, also a hotel. There is a lot of smoke on the europabridge
04.04.2009 13:47
[Strasbourg] About 50 capos have passed the pedestrian bridge on the French side.
04.04.2009 13:49
[Strasbourg] a border house on the west side of the europa bridge is burning to the ground
04.04.2009 13:54
[Kehl] Stimmung ist kämpferisch. In den ersten Reihen erste Rangeleien. Polizei drängt Demonstranten zurück. Brücke weiter nicht passierbar
04.04.2009 13:59
[Strasburg] Pont Anvers: a lot of police, two armed cars, two barrickade vehicles, about 20police vehicles, but no controls, people are passing
04.04.2009 14:05
[Strasbourg] 7 cars filled with riot cops on the Strasbourg station, small controls but only observations
04.04.2009 14:07
[Strasbourg] A church has been attacked and decorated with graffiti: "religion is nothing but shadow from the universe on human intelligence - Victor Hugo""
04.04.2009 14:10
[Strasbourg] the molodoi is open, people can come their after the demo
04.04.2009 14:12
[Strasbourg] the wagon with soundsystem is not permittede to the demo startingpoint
04.04.2009 14:12
[Strasbourg] An erstwhile money-changing place was destroyed. A tank was sprayt :-)
04.04.2009 14:17
[Strasbourg] in the Auktgelände there are about 1000-2000 people. there are more people on the island. On the island ther eis also police in civil cars
04.04.2009 14:18
[Strasbourg] Another border-building on the island is burning
04.04.2009 14:18
[Strasbourg] The trian for the demo is being attacked with teargas and schiockgrenates in Port du Rhin on the way back to the centre
04.04.2009 14:20
[Strasbourg] Kundgebungsort: Polizei hat Tränengas auf die hintere Hälfte der Kundgebung geschossen. Die Leute setzen sich mit der Demo in Bewegung.
04.04.2009 14:22
[Strasbourg] Cops are coming to the Rhine isle across Vauban Bridge, with cars, driving through the manifestation crowd. Tear gas is in use.
04.04.2009 14:22
[Strasbourg] The Apothecary mentionde earlier is burning, also the ibis hotel and bushes and barrikades
04.04.2009 14:23
[Strasbourg] In the second burning borderbuilding there was an explosionand it burns lightly on. photos of the burning borders: http://linksunten.indymedia.org/de/node/3742 und http://linksunten.indymedia.org/de/node/3743
04.04.2009 14:24
[Strasbourg] French police is coming from direction Centre to the Rhine island. On the Anvers bridge there are about 200-300 french cops, teargas and flashballs are used
04.04.2009 14:26
[Strasbourg] Seen from the Rhein island, there is smoke or Gas behind the police
04.04.2009 14:27
[Strasbourg] the mayor of strassbourg has announced that nobody can pass the europa bridge, German police holds the Kehler Demo vor der Brücke , the demo is determined not to be repushed
04.04.2009 14:30
[Strasbourg] the soundsystem of the anticapitalist bloc is on the rhineisland on the Rue Grand Pont and wants to have press
04.04.2009 14:30
[Strasburg] On the Rhine island there qre shots of tracer ammunition
04.04.2009 14:31
[Strasbourg] The fire on second border building gets gets put out
04.04.2009 14:32
[Strasbourg] In the Molodoi everything is calm, perfect circumstances to relax and recharge. Days and nights can be long. Legal Team and Medics are there as well.
04.04.2009 14:35
[Strasbourg] At Pont d'Anvers there are german watertanks and more and more CRS Vans
04.04.2009 14:42
[Strasbourg] The thre german water tanks are still at Pont d'Anvers they do not move yet
04.04.2009 14:45
[Camp] At the camp everything is fine
04.04.2009 14:52
[Strasburg] There are just a few hundret people left on the meeting point of the demo. There is still a lot of teargas.
04.04.2009 14:53
Legal team Strasbourg: The people of the ICC ( Internantional Commitee for Coordination) which are representing 489 groups and political parties from the left call the people to join the demo and not react on police provocation.
04.04.2009 14:59
[Strasbourg] From the Railway there are stones flying on the police vans. the cops are reacting on that.
04.04.2009 15:03
[Strasbourg] [Kehl] The german cops are crossing the border with water tanks and other shielded vehicles on the europe bridge several hundrets of german cops on the police.
04.04.2009 15:06
[Strasbourg] There are no demonstrators at the main station and few cops
04.04.2009 15:09
[Strasbourg] De demo wijkt af van de officiele roet en buigt rechts af voor de Pont Vauban richting binnenstad
04.04.2009 15:10
[Strasbourg] At the bridge "Grand Pont" 200 protestors are surronded by police. The people got pushed away from downtown by 4àà cops and on the other side are water tanks.
04.04.2009 15:19
[Strasbourg] the demo follows the Route du Petit Rhin and will sonn get to the people trapped ont the bridge Rue du Grand Pont
04.04.2009 15:22
[Strasbourg] There are about 10.000 People on the demo, the demo is 1,5 km long
04.04.2009 15:24
[Strasbourg] Confrontation at Rue du Grand Pont. There are flash and teargas granades. the bridge is closed. Two German water tanks are there and vehicles with armor. A Molotov Coktail is landing on the cops.
04.04.2009 15:27
[Strasbourg] Centre : the winston churchill bridge and the austerlitz bridge are closed by the cops with fences
04.04.2009 15:29
[Strasbourg] The german cops get further into Strasbourg. german Cops and Watertanks are in action at Rue du Grand Pont
04.04.2009 15:37
[Strasbourg] Ibis Hotel is raided, burning barricades, Molotovs. there are several injured, especially face and splitterinjuries and medics have been injured. The cops are aming at the faces; 60 Teargasgranades per min.
04.04.2009 15:40
[Strasbourg] parts of the demo are moving away from bridge "Grand Pont "
04.04.2009 15:43
[Strasbourg] At the Pont d'Anvers: massiv teargas; water tanks in action, Flash/shockgranades. People turn back partly through Route de Petit Rhin
04.04.2009 15:46
[Strasbourg] EA Strasbourg estimates 15.000 protesters
04.04.2009 15:53
[Strasbourg] One lane going to Vauban-Bridge, comming from Rue du Havre, ist open, the rest is closed. The underpass at the railways "Rue du Havre" is cotrolled but single persons can pass.
04.04.2009 15:54
[Strasbourg] All big roads leading to the A5 direction Strasbourg are closed. The city will be sealed off.
04.04.2009 15:56
[Border] The bridge next to "Anvers" is open
04.04.2009 16:06
[Kehl] The halted eastern march has ended with a demo near europabrucke
04.04.2009 16:11
[SMS] demo is standing still but not clear what happening, weather is good
04.04.2009 16:11
[Strasbourg] People going towards the rue de havre direction south can't leave the island. Parts of the demo go into the woods and industrial terrain
04.04.2009 16:16
[Strasbourg] a part of the anti kapi block has now reached the industrial terrain on the island
04.04.2009 16:17
[Strasbourg] Churchill-Bridge and Pont d'Anvers are closed off with riotfences and police vehiculest. the police on the north side of the canal are nervous and wearing helmets
04.04.2009 16:19
[Strasbourg] on the French side of the europa bridge there is a pen, people are being released half an hour ago
04.04.2009 16:22
[Kehl] Nobody is allowed to cross the border. There are still 2000 persons in Kehl
04.04.2009 16:24
[Strasbourg] the Rue de Havre ends in the Rue de Rochelle , via that road the island can be exited. The people reach the area of the camp
04.04.2009 16:27
[Strasbourg] people who want to enter the camp can use the rue rochelle and to the right trough the woods untill Rue de Redute, then they are already in Neuhof and they can see the camp
04.04.2009 16:39
[Strasbourg] The back part of the Demo gets a lot of teargas
04.04.2009 16:39
[Strasbourg] According to a speech held by the ICC the demo continues as soon as the fire in the Hotel Ibis is out
04.04.2009 16:44
[Kehl] the demo in Kehl is finished
04.04.2009 16:44
[Strasbourg] the demo in rue coulaux near the roads crossing, is attacked by police with teargas. People have defended themselves with stones and molotov cocktails, several riot cops injured
04.04.2009 17:02
[Strasbourg] The molodoi can be easily reached, relaxed atmosphere, no controls, coffee and tea, good music, time to chill, info and legal teams are present, also First security
04.04.2009 17:05
[Strasbourg] The demo is ended after the attack from different sides with grenades and gas. Most of the people try to escape
04.04.2009 17:11
[Strasbourg] At the pont du danube there are a lot of riot cops and 8 cars. People can pass direction south
04.04.2009 17:13
[Strasbourg] At the Winston Churchill - Bridge there are riot cops, jeeps, and 8 cars. cops are not as nervous as those at the Danube-Bridge
04.04.2009 17:15
[Strasbourg] the pedestrian bridge between Pont Churchill und Pont Austerlitz has been occupied with regular police
04.04.2009 17:17
[SMS] In several german cities solidarity actions getting prepared!
04.04.2009 17:17
[Strasbourg] Pont Austerlitz and Pont de la Bourse: three cars with regular cops
04.04.2009 17:19
[Strasbourg] Pont de Hopital: 4 cars wiht normal cops, no controls signaled for the moment
04.04.2009 17:21
[Strasbourg] Pont du Heyritz: no cops to be seen
04.04.2009 17:23
[Strasbourg] Parts of the Demo took rue de la coopérative to get to rue du port du rhin in direction pont d'anvers. There are to train waggons which have been used before as a barricade
04.04.2009 17:24
[Strasbourg] Now the train waggons force the people to leave the area almost one by one and the police films them. Some hold their hands up to show their peacefullness.
04.04.2009 17:28
[strasbourg] At the end of one part of the demo there was again teargas close to Pont d'Anvers. Now the demo is moving thorugh pont Vauban and rue du Havre in direction to the camp..
04.04.2009 17:30
[Strasbourg] There are approx. 1000 people and 3 Soundsystems on the Rhine Island trapped by the police around Rue de la Cooperative. The police fires teargas on them from all sides.
04.04.2009 17:45
[Strasbourg] The specifications of a projectile used by the cops were documented. Detailed information in the comment of this ticker item
04.04.2009 17:49
[Strasbourg] After negotiations between the Peace Movement and the police the people can leave the rhine isalnd now in small groups...
04.04.2009 17:50
[Strasbourg] Checkpoint at Vauban Brücke. People are only allowed to cross in small groups
04.04.2009 18:10
[Border] According to a police hotline: crossings in the North from Gambsheim (D2) to Freistetten (L87) and South via Krafft (D426 and L100) to Nonnenweier are open. The crossings in Strasbourg are closed
04.04.2009 18:19
[Strasbourg] Between Pond de Port de l'Hopital and Molodoi almost no police. Small groups move along Quai Louis Pasteur without problems. Relaxed atmosphere at Molodoi
04.04.2009 18:22
[Strasbourg] The bridges at Place de l'Etoile (Pond de la Bourse, Pond de l'Austerlitz) have police checkpoints for controlling and searching potential demonstrators going from South to North over the canal
04.04.2009 18:26
[Strasbourg] Starting at 7pm there will be food at Molodoi. Access from south over Pont de Heyritz is open without controls at the moment
04.04.2009 18:27
[Strasburg] Several small groups are walking along Rue due Havre/ Rue de la Rochelle towards the Camp. There are controls and checkpoints. Rue de l'Orient is closed
04.04.2009 18:34
[Strasbourg] Those surrounded by police before on the Rhine island are walking without obvious police presence in a large group to the Camp
04.04.2009 18:40
[Strasbourg] Pond Winston Churchill is closed for cars. At Pond de Chamonix and a nearby pedestran bridge there are controls from north to south (=direction of Inner City)
04.04.2009 18:41
[Strasbourg] At the bridge over the canal at Rue Alfred Kastler 50 demonstrators are being controlled right now, cops steal their flagstaffs
04.04.2009 18:50
Legal Team Freiburg reports no arrests on the German side. All temporary prisons set up for the summit are empty
04.04.2009 18:52
[Strasbourg] Pont Vauban is completely blocked with a fence
04.04.2009 19:04
[Camp] Rue Ganzau is open, some cop vans on the fields. At the moment no controls
04.04.2009 19:20
[Strasbourg] [Camp] Lots of people are returning to the Camp. At the Camp only sporadic controls. Many people also arriving at Molodoi, good atmospehere, there is food
04.04.2009 19:24
[Strasbourg] Almost no police presence in the Inner City. After crossing the canal at about Quai Louis Pasteur one can move freely. Barricades at the Red Zone are being removed
04.04.2009 19:27
[Strasbourg] Several NATO-Delegationen are moving around town without much protection
04.04.2009 19:30
[Strasbourg] The way from the Camp to Molodoi through Rue de Ganzau, Route du Neuhof, Rue des Cannoniers, Rue du General Offenstein, Rue de la Plaine Bouchers, Rue de la Montagne is open without controls also for cars
04.04.2009 19:41
[Strasbourg] [Camp] The Camp can be reached through the main entrance as well as through the forest from Rue de la Rochelle, also in the forest no controls
04.04.2009 19:45
[Strasbourg] An older person had heart problems today caused by tear gas and is still being treated in hospital
04.04.2009 19:48
[Kehl] The vigil at Marktplatz will be a meeting place until tomorrow morning
04.04.2009 20:16
[Strasbourg] At 16:20h 20 undercover cop cars were seen in Rue a'Algier, half of the cops inside were uniformed, the others were in black block disguise
04.04.2009 20:30
[Border] Around 6pm no controls at Wörth crossing
04.04.2009 20:35
[Border] Pont de l'Europe and the crossing south of it are still closed
04.04.2009 21:13
[Border] Altenheim crossing can be crossed from France to Germany
04.04.2009 21:18
[Strasbourg] The A35 in Strasbourg is open again
04.04.2009 21:19
[Border] No controls at Breisach crossing
04.04.2009 21:32
[Border] No controls on the French side of Mackenheim crossing, sporadic controls on the German side
04.04.2009 21:35
[Strasbourg] One medic from the Camp reports to have treated 100 injured persons today. Many head injuries because the cops were firing different projectiles at eye level. Many open wounds caused by concussion grenades had to be suturated
04.04.2009 21:46
[Strasbourg] Molodoi (19, Rue Ban de la Roche) will be open today until midnight and tomorrow again from 11 am. In case of emergency there will be night-support, but please call first: 0033659099614
04.04.2009 22:02
[Strasbourg] Molodoi asks for donations: public kitchen, infrastructure and providing information is expensive. Please donate directly at Molodoi or ask for account details: infopoint [at] no-log [dot] org. Thanks!
04.04.2009 22:29
[Border] Trains between Basel-Karlruhe and Karlsruhe-Basel are running without delays
04.04.2009 22:36
[Freiburg] CC and DIY-Kitchen invite to a cleaning-up bruch at KTS on sunday and monday 12am
04.04.2009 22:43
[Strasbourg] The medics ask all people who had contact with CS-gas today to urgently change their clothes! First cases of CS-gas intoxication were reported. Please rinse your mucous membranes and eyes!
04.04.2009 22:49
Legal Team Freiburg can be reached until sunday by phone: 0049 (0)761 4097251. Afterwards please contacs us by email: antirep-nato09 [at] immerda [dot] ch
04.04.2009 23:37
[Strasbourg] The info phone will be active again from 9:30 am: 0033 659099614 (de, en, fr). Only in case of emergency or to give important information (about the planned antirepression-demo) also at night, since we need some sleep. Thanks for the support!
04.04.2009 23:59
[Strasbourg] It was a riot!
05.04.2009 00:49
[Border] intensified controls at Beinheim, direction of Rastatt on the german side. LIMO/LIMOG police databases are checked
05.04.2009 00:58
[Camp] there will be a plenum at 10am
05.04.2009 02:28
[Kehl] Several people were controlled at Kehl train station. Others were controlled on the way to the infopoint. One person had to give a urine sample
05.04.2009 09:49
[Camp] People and cars are being checked and searched when leaving the Camp from behind (behind the showers) by undercover cops at the end of the street
05.04.2009 10:37
[Strasbourg] Several persons were taken out of the tram an controlled at Rue de la 1ère Armée
05.04.2009 10:44
[Strasbourg] Injured persons who had to go to hospital had a NATO-sticker put on their medical file when the hospital suspected them of having taken part in demonstrations
05.04.2009 11:31
[Strasbourg] Molodoï is open again and available as meeting point. The Camp is calm
05.04.2009 11:55
[Strasbourg] At 3 pm there will be a antirepression rally at 34, Route Hopital (Police Nationale Hotel de Police E9)
05.04.2009 12:07
[Camp] Good atmosphere at the camp, everything is calm
05.04.2009 12:24
[Camp] At Rue de la Rochelle and Rue Welsch police vehicles arrived. Cops left their cars but are calm. Behind the medic's tent more cops are gathering, not wearing riot gear
05.04.2009 12:45
[Repression] According to AFP at least 300 persons were arrested, a dozend still in prison, several persons are threatened with summary courtcases
05.04.2009 12:52
[Camp] The police helicopter is annoying, the atmosphere at the Camp is calm. Outside the camp controls and searches of people and cars are taking place
05.04.2009 12:52
[Camp] The police helicopter is annoying, the Camp is calm. Outside the Camp controls and searches of people and cars are taking place
05.04.2009 13:17
[Camp] Police units are approaching the camp from north-western direction with mobile barrierers. People are being prevented from entering and leaving the Camp
05.04.2009 13:19
[Repression] 12 persons are still in prison, the cops talk about 3 (to of them German). Tomorrow 9 court hearings are scheduled to take place, CNT calls for attending the court hearings
05.04.2009 13:33
[Camp] Lots of undercover cops around the camp, stopping and searching people
05.04.2009 13:35
[Camp] According to police the camp is under siege and a police checkpoint is already set up at Rue de Ganzau for searching people. There are reports of cameras being confiscated. Press is already at the checkpoint, an ICC-Delegation is on its way
05.04.2009 13:36
[Border] Beinheim, Gambsheim, Kehl and N353/L98 towards Offenburg: Frech side is open, on the German side people looking like activists are being stopped, their personal details are being checked against police databases (INPOL, formerly LIMO)
05.04.2009 14:24
[Border] At Pont de l'Europe controls are taking place, bus no. 21 is being stopped and searched for activists. Crossing Altenheim is also being monitored
05.04.2009 14:41
[Border] There are controls taking place between Krafft and Nonnenweiler (D426) on the German side
05.04.2009 14:44
[Strasbourg] Cops are preventing access of the Legal Teams to the Camp. Two lawyers are on the way to Pont de l'Europe
05.04.2009 14:45
[Border] The crossing at Rheinau-Freistett is being controlled, cops confiscate camera mobile phones, diving goggles, masks. German state prosecutors are at the border, people are being questioned as witnesses for rioting (Landfriedensbruch)
05.04.2009 15:19
[Repression] The German-French border is being controlled widely. Cops are searching for and confiscating photo- and video-material and also mobile phones
05.04.2009 15:24
[Strasbourg] At the starting- and end-point of Line No. 2 (Neuhof R. Reuss) police controls with ID checks, searching of bads and body searches are taking place
05.04.2009 15:34
[Strasbourg] Police controls in Neuhof quarter, cops are moving by foot and in cars
05.04.2009 15:44
[Grenze] No controls between the Camp and crossing Altenheim. At the crossing itself German cops are controlling
05.04.2009 15:58
[Strasbourg] 20 people in front of Hotel de Police, 10 journalists and two persons from the Legal Team
05.04.2009 16:04
[Strasbourg] Police controls at the train station
05.04.2009 16:05
[Strasbourg] No people looking like activists are able to reach the antirep-rally. High police presence in the area, both uniformed and plainclothes
05.04.2009 16:48
[Strasbourg] The emergency mobile phone of the medics with the number +33.669.70.13.05 is turned off from now on
05.04.2009 17:01
[Repression] The legal team gives the advice, not to get caught with problematic photo- and video recordings. In Strasbourg as well as at the german border.
05.04.2009 18:04
[Camp] Concentrated police presence at the camp, intensive controls of persons and cars, sometimes people have to wait a few hours , many civil cops in the camp.
05.04.2009 18:28
[Strasbourg] Due to a soccer match between Racing Club Strasbourg vs. AC Ajaccio the area around the "Stade de la Meinau" (between the Molodoi and the Camp) should be avoided. The match is scheduled to end in about half an hour. Take care!
05.04.2009 19:05
[Camp] The150 CRS-police at the southern border of the camp have now left. The controls when leaving the camp continue to take place and larger groups can no longer leave the camp.
05.04.2009 20:46
[Camp] Police repeatedly confirm that the camp will not be evacuated and thus no longer want any larger groups going out of the camp together.
05.04.2009 20:54
[Strasbourg] The Molodoi infopoint is closed. The phone numbers 0033(0)659099614 and 0049(0)15781441145 have been disconnected.
05.04.2009 21:04
[Repression] The Out of Action-Gruppe is offering emotional support after traumatizing experiences: wiki.dissentnetwork.org/wiki/Trauma
05.04.2009 21:24
[Camp] Around 100 people still in the camp. People are once again allowed to go into the camp, especially when telling police they are picking someone up or helping the clean up. There are still controls towards the camp, mostly by the Gendarmerie
06.04.2009 01:05
[linksunten] The infopoints, the camporga, Indy Strasbourg, the Legal Teams, the Molodoï and the KTS, the translators and the techies, the moderators and those supplying us with information say merci to those who used it: ¡Venceremos!
06.04.2009 12:42
[Repression] Aufruf zur Unterstützung der Gefangenen. Schickt ein Fax an 0033 388752930 oder ruft an unter 0033 388752727 und fordert die Freilassung der verbliebenen 10 Gefangenen. Heute um 14:15 Uhr gibt es eine Anhörung im Palais de la Justice
06.04.2009 18:56
[Repression] Verurteilungen der drei deutsche Gefangenen im Schnellverfahren: 1. Urteil: 6 Monate Haft ohne Bewährung; 2. Urteil: 3 Monate mit Bewährung; 3. Urteil: 6 Monate ohne Bewährung & 5 Jahre Einreiseverbot nach Frankreich.