Am Samstag den 6. November wird eine italienweite Antirepressionsdemonstration stattfinden.
Im Kontext der sich verschärfenden sozialen Konflikte und der damit einhergehenden staatlichen Repression zur Aufrechterhaltung der Klassenverhältnisse wird die Verhaftung und Inhaftierung des Antifaschisten Tonino thematisiert und seine umgehende Freilassung gefordert.
Repression and social control gets stronger and stronger.
face all the time arrests, accusations of various kind, restrictive
measures, people getting fired, administrative sanctions while our
living conditions get more and more precarious.
Those are the
means used by the ruling class to threaten and make the ones opposing
this seeking profit system harmless.
Whoever raises his/her head
is called socially dangerous and is brought down with any means
And it is in this context of repression which our
comrade Tonino was arrested, so that his staying in jail worked as a
warning for anybody that wants to break the isolation and the silence
that surround us, anybody that is willing to rebel.
dangerous is whoever struggles against the devastation of his/her own
community, against racist policies and police surveillance, against
political dismissals and exploitation, against the blackmail of
economical instability and unemployment.
Socially dangerous is
whoever with the practice and the ideas opposes the ruling class
measures, being the authoritarianism of our idea of democracy or the
abuse of methods which are closer and closer to fascist practices,
the militarizations of the streets or the commodification of our
If being on a struggle means being socially dangerous, we have
chosen already.
We’ll keep on fighting.
Against any
repressions. Freedom for Tonino, freedom for all!
against repression.
Saturday november 6th, 4:00 p.m.
Nationally rally
Meeting at Piazza Mancini